My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5964 5964 He is indeed impulsive

"Thank you Mr. Xiao Mansion." Luo Zongtian and Lin Fengxing also took a step forward, each took out a storage ring and gave a "you know" look.

Xiao Zilie responded with a "you understand, I understand, everyone understands" look and quickly squeezed into the crowd.

Gu Fenghua looked at this scene in bewilderment: Are these people really the princes of the various prefectures under Mr. Tianweixing? Where is your moral integrity? Where is your moral integrity?

I don’t know if he had a close connection with Su Guang and others and knew what they were going to do, or because he had just been promoted to Saint and did not dare to take action. Lin Yuantang did not rush to take action, but closed his eyes slightly and concentrated for a moment until Su Guang and others planned to collect money. It was almost done, and then he came to Chu Yuange unhurriedly.

"Mr. Chu Fu, please!" Lin Yuantang smiled and still looked like a gentle gentleman. He stretched out his arms in front of his arms and made a gesture of invitation with his palms upward.

Even Gu Fenghua had to admit that his senior fellow Fu Jun was very good-looking. Just standing there calmly and calmly, he had the air of a strong man who was neither humble nor arrogant.

Comparing the two, the skinny little old man opposite seemed to have a bad temperament.

"No need to be polite. To be more specific, I am still your elder. Fighting with you would be like bullying the small. You go ahead and I will give you three moves." Chu Yuange obviously also knew that his image and demeanor were different compared to Lin Yuantang. Shen Yuan deliberately put his hands behind his back, assuming the posture of a senior, and said proudly.

Of course, he does have the capital to be proud. As early as a thousand years ago, he has been promoted to the Saint Transformation, and now he is a strong person in the second level of Saint Transformation. Lin Yuantang is much younger than him, and he has been unable to achieve the goal after practicing hard for many years. Being promoted to Sainthood is no secret in all the star regions under the Holy Spirit King.

In this fight, he had made it clear that he was a bully.

Not only Chu Yuange, but also the audience around him obviously thought so too.

"Did Lin Yuantang take the wrong medicine? How dare he challenge Chu Yuange?" An old man shook his head and said.

"If we fight in private, that's fine. Losing won't be too embarrassing. Anyway, Qingyuan Daofu is like that now.

But fighting in front of so many people, is he really not afraid of completely losing the remaining dignity of Qingyuan Taoist House? "An old man next to him also sighed and said.

"He must be riding a tiger and be in trouble. He was so humiliated by Chu Yuange and others in front of so many people. If he didn't say a word, he would never be able to hold his head high in the future.

Although this battle was clearly destined to defeat, it could at least prove that the people of Qingyang Taoist House were still bloody and would not be looked down upon too much. "Some people said considerately.

"You are thinking too simplistically. Tianxin Taoist Palace is obviously well prepared this time, and even persuaded Tianyi Xingjun to support them. How could it be as simple as deciding the winner?

In this battle, Lin Yuantang's defeat is not only a foregone conclusion, but he will also be humiliated. Not only will he be unable to prove anything, but he will also be ridiculed. It seems to me that he is still too impulsive and not thoughtful enough. "Even if someone retorted.

"That's true. He was impulsive. He was indeed impulsive." The others were convinced when they heard this, and their gazes towards Lin Yuantang became more pitiful.

"Mr. Chu Fu, are you sure you want me to do three moves?" While everyone was talking and silently mourning for Lin Yuantang, he asked with a strange look on his face.

"In front of so many people, are you still afraid that I won't keep my words?" Chu Yuange said with a cold snort.

"That's not true. I'm just afraid that Mr. Chu will regret it later, so it's better to make it clear first." Lin Yuantang shook his head and said.

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