My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5969 5969 The secret must not be revealed

"Tianji?" Shen Yuting frowned slightly.

"Everything in the world follows the path of heaven and has cause and effect. This cause and effect is the secret of heaven.

Many people say that if Emperor Lingxu hadn't unified the heavens back then, I would have had a chance to become one of the Emperors with my strength. But I know that compared with the Emperor of Heaven, I am actually still a step behind.

The only difference is that the Emperor of Heaven can discern the secrets of heaven, but I cannot.

The more we know about her and the more we come into contact with her, the easier it will be for Emperor Haokong to gain insight into the secrets of heaven and discover her existence. "Pang Shidao's eyes became more distant and deeper.

"I understand. No wonder the King of Heaven doesn't let her brothers help. It must be for this reason." Shen Yuting said suddenly.

"Yes, the secret must not be leaked, it must not be leaked." Pang Shidao said with a smile.

"But if Cao Fangyi and others really died at the hands of her brothers, wouldn't they worry about leaking the secret?" Shen Yuting asked worriedly.

"There is no need to worry. Even the Emperor of Heaven is not able to discern the secrets of heaven so easily. As long as they keep their promise, they will not see her again for the time being and do not change her cause and effect." Pang Shidao said firmly.

Shen Yuting thought about it carefully and realized that although Cao Fangyi and others died, it seemed that there was no change in Gu Fenghua's cause and effect, so he felt relieved.

"So, Lord Heavenly King has decided to join forces with them?" After a pause, Shen Yuting asked again.

"I owed her father a huge favor back then. I owe my current cultivation status to her father's special treatment. I should have given her a helping hand." Pang Shidao looked solemn, with a hint of deepness in his eyes. of respect.

But then the conversation changed and he continued, "But whether or not to join forces with them depends on how far she can go. If she can't satisfy me, she might as well remain anonymous. I can keep her safe for the rest of her life. Prosperity.

If she doesn't have that ability, but I insist on helping her take that step, then I won't be helping her, but harming her, and it will also harm you. "

"That's true. If it is really Gu Fenghua, his strength is indeed a little weaker, and the decision is too hasty at this time." Shen Yuting nodded.

At this point, something suddenly occurred to him, and he worriedly said to Pang Shidao: "With her ninth-grade Holy Saint strength, she has narrowly escaped death while participating in the Demon-Conquering Campaign. Would the Lord Heavenly King give an order so that others can take more care of her?"

"You have forgotten what I just said. The secret must not be leaked. The more I take care of her, the easier it will be for others to notice. That is not helping her, but harming her.

But what you said makes sense. With a mere cultivation of the ninth level of the Holy Saint, the risk of participating in the demon-defeating expedition is indeed a bit high. I will be careful and pay attention to it. I said that I want to keep her safe and prosperous for the rest of her life. As a majestic king, she cannot break her promise so quickly. . Pang Shidao said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Anping, what happened to the two palaces outside? The Qingyuan Dao Palace was also one of the ten supreme Dao Palaces in the past. I still have some old friendship with his ancestor. If the situation is not good, you can help mediate it. , we can't let them be bullied too badly and look too ugly." At this point, Pang Shidao stopped talking and ordered an old man at the palace gate.

"Lord Heavenly King, I'm afraid I don't need this old slave to come forward." The old man named Anping turned around and replied with a strange expression.

"Oh?" Pang Shidao glanced at him doubtfully.

"Lin Yuantang has been promoted to the second level of Hua Sheng. He severely damaged Chu Yuange with just one palm." Anping said.

"What!" Pang Shidao and Shen Yuting were both slightly surprised.

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