My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5971 5971 Zhuang Mengdie retaliates in kind

Otherwise, the reputation that Tianxin Taoist Palace had finally regained after tens of thousands of years of hardship would be completely lost to them.

After handing Long Ancheng to his disciple, Qiu Mingyi stood up and walked towards Zhuang Mengdie.

Soon, he knew he was wrong. You have to be famous to be famous. You have to be strong to be famous. You have to be able to win to be famous. If you lose, how can you be famous?

If you are slapped twice in the face after losing, then you will not have a reputation to speak of. Even if you have one, it will be a joke.

Yes, just two slaps!

Zhuang Mengdie didn't give him any chance at all. As soon as he made a move, a dazzling rainbow appeared between his eyebrows, and then, a multicolored ray of light shot through the air with the long sword, like a dancing butterfly.

The holy pattern, the phantom butterfly holy pattern passed down from the banker’s ancestors!

The ancestor of Zhuang family realized the great truth due to the transformation of a butterfly in his dream, and became a famous strong man. After his death, his cultivation insights were condensed into holy patterns and passed down from generation to generation.

However, only after being promoted to Sainthood can the descendants of the Zhuang family understand the mysteries and truly inherit the sacred patterns of their ancestors.

The banker's Phantom Butterfly Holy Pattern and the Chen family's Weak Water Divine Sword are both the two treasures of the Qingyuan Taoist House. Once the banker's descendants truly inherit it, almost no one can be their opponent in a battle with the same class!

So, Qiu Mingyi groaned, vomited blood without any suspense, and flew out.

All of this was what Zhuang Mengdie had expected. Almost at the same time that Qiu Mingyi flew out, he slapped her twice quickly at the same time.

"Pa, pa!" The sound of the slap was so crisp and harsh that even Chu Yuange, who was half lying on the ground, and Long Ancheng, who had just woken up, trembled and the corners of their mouths twitched fiercely.

"Bang!" Qiu Mingyi fell heavily to the ground, with five bright red fingerprints quickly appearing on both sides of his face, and two dazzling streaks of blood pouring out of the corners of his mouth.

"Qiu Mingyi, what you gave me back then, today I return the original amount and double it. It feels pretty good, hahahaha." Looking at the fingerprints on his face, Zhuang Mengdie laughed loudly. There was a hint of desolation in the laughter, and tears shone in his eyes.

"Finally avenged the shame and humiliation of the past. Old man Zhuang should be able to sleep now and won't sleepwalk anymore." Su Guang sighed softly, looking at Zhuang Mengdie with eyes filled with relief.

Gu Fenghua looked deeply at Zhuang Mengdie. It was a little strange before, how could Zhuang Mengdie be so angry at Qiu Mingyi's words that she was left speechless for a long time. The palace was in good shape, but the city was too bad?

Only then did he realize that he had been defeated by Qiu Mingyi and had suffered such a shame and humiliation. In recent years, Zhuang Mengdie has almost become obsessed with the idea of ​​being promoted to the Holy Transformation. She sleepwalks around the Qingyuan Dao Pond and flies high every night, which must be related to this matter.

Knowing the whole story, Gu Fenghua couldn't help but feel sad, and he was also secretly relieved to see the crazy and tearful smile on Zhuang Mengdie's face.

Qiu Mingyi looked at Zhuang Mengdie who was laughing wildly in front of her, but her heart was full of mixed emotions. I remember how he slapped Zhuang Mengdie on the face during the thousand-year battle between the two houses, and then laughed wildly.

But today, in front of the Heavenly King's Palace, in front of all the powerful men from the Holy Spirit Kingdom, Zhuang Mengdie retaliated with tooth for tooth, giving him two loud slaps in return with money and profit. It turns out that being humiliated in public is such a feeling!

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