My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5984 5984 Don’t worry about anything anymore

"I just heard you say that the reason why those people in Qingyuan Taoist Palace were promoted to sainthood was all thanks to Gu Fenghua's help. If this person is not eliminated, Tianxin Taoist Palace will never be able to turn around?" After thinking for a moment, Ning thought. Yu'er asked.

"Not bad!" Chu Yuange said in a deep voice. He said this himself, of course he would not deny it.

"In that case, when the demon-conquering campaign begins tomorrow, I will help you get rid of Gu Fenghua, so that Tianxin Taoist Palace will have no worries anymore!" Ning Yu'er said with a sneer.

"That, of course, is the best!" As soon as he finished speaking, Nan Qingyu said excitedly.

Although I have never seen Ning Yu'er take action and don't know his cultivation level, even top-level Taoist elixirs such as Tianxuan Dao Huandan can be eaten and played like jelly beans. I am afraid that they are the only ones who can think of other cultivation resources, but there are no other cultivation resources that he can't take. Since he has arrived, there is no need to doubt his strength.

Without his help, Gu Fenghua would have no chance of survival!

"The expedition to defeat the demons will begin tomorrow. Isn't it too late for you to rush back to the Xiaoyao Kingdom?" Chu Yuange also thought of this and did not doubt Ning Yu'er's strength, but said with some doubts.

"Who said I want to go back to the Xiaoyao Kingdom? The reason I came to the Holy Spirit Kingdom this time was to participate in the demon-killing expedition." Ning Yu'er said arrogantly.

"Oh?" Chu Yuange and others looked even more confused.

According to the rules, the cultivators from the four kingdoms who participate in the demon-conquering expedition are all selected by the heavenly kings of each domain, who will also personally send them to the Xuming Ancient Territory.

Ning Yu'er was born in the Xiaoyao Kingdom, so how could she be qualified to participate in the demon-killing expedition in the Spirit Saint Kingdom?

"Do you want to go to the Xuming Ancient Territory privately? No way, no way!" Chu Yuange thought of something and grabbed Ning Yu'er's arm fiercely.

Of course it is not impossible to go to the Xuming Ancient Territory privately. Otherwise, how would those criminals go there, and how would the demons go? But it is easy to get in, but it will be difficult to get out when the time comes.

Ning Yu'er came here to visit him on the order of her grandmother, and they were connected by blood. Of course, he couldn't let him take such a strange risk.

"My uncle, don't worry. He will not sell the face of other Lingsheng Heavenly Kings. He will definitely give it to my great-grandfather." Seeing Chu Yuange's face full of worry, Ning Yu'er couldn't hide it anymore. Taking out an ancient token, the face that was so beautiful that even a woman would be jealous was full of pride.

"This, this is..." Seeing this token, Chu Yuange and others were startled at first, with doubts in their eyes. Soon, their eyes widened again, filled with shock and ecstasy.

It turns out that this is Ning Yuer’s family background!

Now it's fine, there's nothing to worry about. In this crusade to defeat demons, Gu Fenghua will definitely go to hell and die!

Looking at the token in front of them with their whole bodies trembling, Chu Yuange and others almost couldn't help laughing wildly.

In the early morning, the nine-round scorching sun in the supreme sky rises slowly, from far to very close, casting thousands of rays of morning light.

Among the mist of spiritual clouds, the majestic Lingsheng Heavenly King's Palace reflected the bright golden light, making everyone below see it in ecstasy.

King Pang Tian stood in front of the palace door and slowly made a series of hand seals. The morning sun shone down, casting layers of golden light over him.

In the mid-air, the glow changes, like a dragon flying thousands of miles, like a phoenix mingling for nine days, and faintly, bursts of sweet fairy sounds can be heard.

In the void, an ancient, desolate and vast continent emerged, like a mirage, close in front of you, but far away in the horizon.

The entire continent was imprisoned by an invisible barrier. At this time, the barrier was broken, and mysterious light patterns rippled like water waves.

Gu Fenghua clearly felt that at the breach in the barrier, two completely different forces were filling it. This is the power of the law, majestic and endless, stirring up each other and releasing destructive power.

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