My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5995 5995 I can only have some fun by myself

"Sorry, the attack was a bit harsh." Ning Yu'er said as she cupped her hands towards Lin Yujing, with a gentle and elegant smile on her flawless face, and she was even more delicate than a woman.

Although Gu Fenghua was absolutely confident in her appearance, she had to admit that she would never be able to make such a smile. After all, there are differences between men and women. She is a real woman and this guy is a fake woman.

She didn't know why, but she suddenly had the urge to punch this face hard.

Lin Yujing actually wanted to punch Ning Yu'er's pretty face a few times, but he didn't dare. Let alone the opponent's fifth-level cultivation of the Saint, let alone the power of Xiaoyao Sword, he only talked about the opponent Xiaoyao. The identity of the Queen of Heaven was something he would never dare to provoke.

In fact, let alone provoking him, as long as Ning Yuer didn't care about the revenge he just had for "not practicing martial ethics", he would be grateful to God for his blessing.

"Young Master, you are serious. Actually, I should thank you for your mercy." Lin Yujing pressed his hand on the injured area and bowed in salute. Not only did he not dare to show any hatred, he even pretended to be grateful.

"Not bad, not bad. You know how to advance and retreat. Don't worry, I won't argue with you about the knife just now. Just take good care of yourself." Ning Yu'er was very satisfied when she saw that Lin Yujing was so understanding and his words were so pleasant.

Gu Fenghua couldn't help but look at him deeply. Anyone with a bit of discernment can see what Lin Yujing is worried about at this time. Ning Yu'er's words naturally relieved him of worries.

I believe that Lin Yujing will not only not hold a grudge against him, but will probably be grateful to him.

I didn't realize that, despite his young age, this shit-stirring stick still knew how to win people's hearts. I think the next step would be to generously give him Taoist elixirs to help him heal his injuries and regain his strength, and win him over completely.

Facts have proved that Gu Fenghua thought too much this time.

After Ning Yu'er said that, she never looked at Lin Yujing again. Instead, she looked up at everyone and said with a smile: "Okay, it's your turn. Who else wants to come up and try?"

There was no excitement, so he had to have some fun on his own.

Hey, this guy didn't take the opportunity to win over people's hearts. Could it be that what he said just now was just because he thought Lin Yujing was quite knowledgeable, so he just said it casually and had no other meaning at all? Gu Fenghua vaguely realized that he seemed to have overestimated this guy's scheming skills.

The others didn't think as much as Gu Fenghua, and looked at Ning Yu'er's harmless smile and kept silent.

But I secretly cursed in my heart: Try it? You don’t look at your own identity and our identities. Do we dare to try?

Although Xiaoyao Divine Sword was actually the sword carried by Xiaoyao King Ning Qingsi when he first became famous, by the time he truly became famous all over the world, this sword had been sealed for many years. But everyone knows that this sword is actually one of the most cherished divine swords of King Xiaoyao, otherwise it would not be named after Xiaoyao.

Even though Ning Yu'er is not old, being able to obtain the Xiaoyao Divine Sword is enough to prove his status in the Ning family. If he didn't have a status equal to his, who would dare to fight him.

Besides, regardless of his identity, just because of his fifth-level cultivation and the power of the Xiaoyao Divine Sword, no one would dare to come looking for death.

"Let's try it. Let's try it with a few more people. In fact, my strength is just like this. I'm not much stronger than you. You don't have to be afraid of me." Ning Yu'er defeated Lin Yujing with just one sword. Apparently he still had more to say, and when no one responded, he said with encouragement.

Unfortunately, everyone gritted their teeth and remained silent, and no one foolishly rushed forward.

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