My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6002 6002 The only way to deal with naughty children

Suppressed by it, not only did the Xiaoyao Divine Sword in Lin Yuer's hand lose all its brilliance, but even the Qingyue sword chant became intermittent, as if a young girl was choking in a low voice.

"This, this is..." Everyone around was so surprised that they were speechless.

This was the Xiaoyao Divine Sword that King Xiaoyao loved the most. It was suppressed by the long sword in Gu Fenghua's hand that was full of ancient meaning but still agile. It lost all its luster and made the sword scream like weeping.

What kind of divine sword is she holding in her hand?

Ning Yu'er herself was so horrified by Gu Fenghua's sword that she suddenly changed her expression. It was not just the Xiaoyao Divine Sword in her hand that was suppressed. Under Gu Fenghua's shocking sword power, even his Xiaoyao sword technique was also suppressed. .

It seems that no matter how the sword skill changes, it will be easily resolved by the opponent's sword that returns to nature, and the essence and mystery of the sword cannot even be displayed.

How could this happen? What is the origin of her sword and what is the origin of her sword skills?

Ning Yu'er had no time to think anymore, because with a loud noise, the sword light he slashed shattered. The turbulent current shook him so much that he took several steps back, and his already fair face became unusually pale.

But after all, they are both at the fifth level of Saint Transformation. Although the Xiaoyao Sword in his hand is not as good as Gu Fenghua's Qingyun Sword, it is still a handed down sword, and the Ning family's secret Xiaoyao Sword Technique is indeed unique. Although Ning Yu'er was defeated, she was not seriously injured.

Raising his head, he looked at Gu Fenghua in disbelief, as if he wanted to say something, but with his mouth open, no word came out for a long time.

"You lost." Gu Fenghua said calmly.

Although this sword did not cause any harm to Ning Yu'er, she had never thought of hurting her life. This result was of course the best.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible!" Ning Yu'er was still stunned. Seeing Gu Fenghua's calm, yet arrogant look, an unspeakable anger suddenly surged in her heart, and she raised her sword again. , rushing towards Gu Fenghua.

He was a descendant of King Xiaoyao. Although King Xiaoyao never said it, he could tell that this ancestor loved him the most. Otherwise, why would he personally cut his veins and cleanse his marrow, and why would he personally teach him the Xiaoyao sword technique.

If not for the tacit consent of his ancestor, he secretly took the Xiaoyao Sword away to the Holy Spirit Kingdom, how could no one in the huge Xiaoyao Palace notice it.

He has been personally taught by King Xiaoyao since he was a child. His cultivation is rarely rivaled among his peers in the clan. Even looking at the entire Supreme Heaven, there are few practitioners of the same age who can match him.

Who would have known that today he would be defeated by an ordinary Taoist disciple, and he would be defeated so cleanly, he wouldn't accept it, he wouldn't accept it!

Seeing the angry look on his face, Gu Fenghua frowned slightly.

Another child who is spoiled by his family! If he and the sword spirit hadn't deliberately suppressed the power of the sword, even if he could save his life, he would still be seriously injured. It's okay for him to be ungrateful, but he is still so ungrateful.

The only way to deal with this kind of ignorant naughty child is to beat him, beat him painfully, beat him awake, beat him well, and make him obedient.

So, Gu Fenghua raised the Qingyun Sword with great experience.

Of course there will be no suspense about the outcome of this sword move. No matter the Xiaoyao Divine Sword in her hand or the Xiaoyao Sword Technique that she was most proud of, they were completely suppressed by Gu Fenghua's Qingyun Sword and Eight Swords Guiyuan. How could Ning Yu'er be her opponent?

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