Lin Yuantang and others obviously did not expect that Gu Fenghua would have such courage. Even the descendant of Xiaoyao Tianwang dared to bully him like this, and he was so frightened that his face turned pale and he was out of his mind.

Everyone looked at each other and quietly took a few steps back, away from Lin Yuantang and others.

Gu Fenghua is so bold and reckless. If he dies, he will die. In all likelihood, he will also implicate Qingyuan Daofu. Although Qingyuan Taoist House is not under the jurisdiction of King Xiaoyao, if he is determined to vent his anger for his descendants, Lingsheng Tianwang may not be willing to quarrel with him for the sake of Qingyuan Taoist House.

In this case, of course, they should stay as far away from Qingyuan Taoist House as possible, and they must not have anything to do with it anymore.

Soon, a large area of ​​space surrounded Lin Yuantang and others.

Han Daocheng, Xiao Zilie, and Luo Zongtian looked at each other and hesitated a little, but in the end, they remained motionless and stayed firmly by their side.

They are both members of Tianweixingjun's Daofu, and they owe Gu Fenghua a huge favor. No matter what, they cannot abandon Qingyuan Daofu at this time.

Seeing the actions of several people, many people around them shook their heads secretly: They are impulsive. It doesn't matter if young people are impulsive. As the kings of a house, these people are so impulsive. Don't they know that standing together with Qingyuan Taoist House at this time will bring disaster to all their Taoist houses in the future?

In the distance, Chu Yuange and others also sneered secretly.

When they saw Gu Fenghua's cultivation and the sword that seemed to be able to cut through the sky, their hearts fell to the bottom. Who would have expected that although Gu Fenghua was quite strong, he would act so recklessly.

Even though they were thousands of miles away, they could all imagine King Xiaoyao's rage when he learned about this, and the tragic ending of Gu Fenghua and Qingyuan Taoist House. Han Daocheng and others dare to associate with the Qingyuan Taoist House. Isn't that self-destruction?

"Okay, okay, I am so happy and congratulated that such a genius has emerged from our Holy Spirit Kingdom. Qingyuan Taoist Mansion has taught such a disciple, and has made great contributions to our Holy Spirit Kingdom. When the demon-defeating campaign is over, this heavenly king will surely have a great success." Reward." At this moment, Pang Shidao laughed and said.

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yuange and others felt as if they were mourning for their heirs, their faces drooped, and they could no longer see the slightest bit of joy. Others also reacted: The descendants of Xiaoyao Heavenly King are domineering and blessing in the Holy Spirit King's domain, even if the Spirit Saint King says it If I didn't say it, I wouldn't be happy in my heart.

Although Gu Fenghua had struck hard just now, he did not give King Xiaoyao any face, but he earned enough face for King Lingsheng, and even more for the entire Lingsheng Kingdom.

A tree has its skin and a person has its face, and the King of Heaven is no exception. With King Pang's courage, how could he allow King Xiaoyao to bully Gu Fenghua? Unless King Xiaoyao made up his mind to fight him to the death, he would not even think of hurting Gu Fenghua at all. And how could the majestic King of Heaven really break his skin for two juniors?

It is conceivable that after this demon-killing expedition is over, no matter how good Gu Fenghua's record is and whether she can follow the Emperor of Heaven to the realm of reincarnation, King Pang Tian will never treat her badly.

And the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion received great benefits because of her. Before the demon-slaying campaign was over, Lord Heavenly King had already promised a heavy reward. Although I don’t know what it is, how can it be unusual for someone to be called a heavy reward by the King of Heaven?

The next moment, everyone's eyes became kind when looking at Lin Yuantang and others, and then quietly sneaked back to them.

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