My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6034 How could 6035 leave her and escape alone!

The Demonic Wood Cauldron is being promoted to a Taoist weapon, so try not to use it if possible. The Cangchen Sacred Pattern is her life-saving artifact at the bottom of the box, and she doesn't want to use it easily until the most critical moment. If Obsidian could really break the Heavenly Emperor's Bone Bottle, it would be the best.

But this is a Taoist weapon. Can it really be broken without getting hurt?

Also, the Heavenly Emperor White Bone Bottle is said to have been made by the White Bone Heavenly Emperor using the skull of a powerful enemy after killing him. If Obsidian eats it, even if it does no harm to it, the thought of it makes him feel a little nauseous.

"No!" Just when Gu Fenghua was in a dilemma, Ning Yu'er suddenly exclaimed again.

Above the head, dark clouds surged, gradually condensing into a skeletal hand. The hand was about ten feet long, more than a hundred times larger than before.

Although the giant skeleton palm has not yet been photographed, Gu Fenghua has already felt a suffocating pressure.

"Is there... any more roast chicken?" Next to her, Ning Yu'er's hand holding the sword began to tremble, and she asked with a look of despair.

Well, Gu Fenghua admitted that he overestimated this guy, and his masculinity could only be maintained for a short time.

"Eat." Gu Fenghua finally stopped worrying and said to Obsidian.

In the mountain col, the fighting continues. Swords and swords flashed like lightning, and blood flowed. One by one, the injured Taoist disciples retreated hastily. Only Lin Yujing, Feng Qirui and other strong men from the Xingjun seat were still fighting bloody battles.

However, the other side suffered heavy casualties. After a fierce battle, dozens of people lost their lives, and all the subordinates of the Defying Heavenly King, including the two old men, were also seriously injured.

This is normal. Although there seems to be a small gap in strength between the two sides, Lin Yujing, Feng Qirui and others are from the Tianling Guards and are familiar with battle formations, so they are not comparable to a mob like them.

Under the fierce attack of Lin Yujing and others who were not afraid of death, the two old men and their subordinates retreated continuously. In the end, they formed a circle and protected Xiahou Zhan in the center.

"Kill him!" Lin Yujing pointed his knife at Xia Houzhan and shouted loudly, but blood poured out from the corner of his mouth.

In fact, he had already been seriously injured, and he was just relying on his faith to support himself. And this belief: it is the promise to follow Gu Fenghua to the death.

"Kill!" Behind him, the others were also exhausted, but after hearing his words, they still roared loudly at the same time.

In fact, all Xia Houzhan's subordinates had nothing to worry about at this time. If they wanted to leave, no one would be able to keep them. Besides, "Xu Ming Tian Di Jian" is not in their hands, and they decide to leave, so the other party will not put any more effort on them.

But they were able to escape from the confinement of the Heavenly Emperor's Bone Bottle, all thanks to the power of Gu Fenghua's sword. Moreover, she could have been the first to escape, but she stayed until the end because of them. How could they leave her and escape alone?

Although everyone's steps were frivolous, and the hands holding the magic weapon were bursting with blood, their fighting spirit was as high as ever, and their eyes were as persistent as ever.

Seeing this, the two old men and the remaining seven or eight subordinates all looked frightened. The reason why they took action was just for the "Xu Ming Tian Di Jian", but if their lives were lost, what was the use of grabbing the "Xu Ming Tian Di Jian"? In the end, they would not be advantageous to others.

Looking at Xia Houzhan, who was still recovering from his injuries, everyone's eyes showed their intention to leave. However, after all, they had been following Xia Houzhan's orders for many years. It was really difficult for them to make up their mind to leave him and escape like this.

Besides, if there is no Xia Hou Zhan, how can they survive in the Xuming Ancient Territory?

"As expected of the commander of the Tianling Guards, this battle formation technique is not much worse than mine back then." Just as they were hesitating, Xia Houzhan opened his eyes and slowly stood up.

"Lord King of Heaven!" The two old men were overjoyed upon seeing this.

"Thank you for your hard work, please step aside and leave the rest to me." Xia Houzhan said.

Before he finished speaking, he made another hand seal.

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