My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6048 6049 I have always disliked me.

"His name is Ning Qingshu, he is my cousin and the eldest grandson of Ning's family.

Great-grandfather has rarely interfered with family affairs in recent years. The head of the Ning family has always been the eldest son. If nothing happens, the position of head of the family will be passed to him sooner or later.

In fact, his qualifications are indeed good. He was two years younger than me when he was promoted to become a saint. Therefore, the elders in the clan have high hopes for him, and many people even regard him as the young head of the family.

But I don’t know why, but my great-grandfather prefers me more. Sometimes he will personally guide me in my cultivation, but he ignores me. Therefore, he always dislikes me and makes things difficult for me. "Ning Yu'er replied somewhat depressedly.

Although he said it very simply, Gu Fenghua understood it all at once.

Does Ning Qingshu have good qualifications? She didn't feel it at all. The reason why she entered the realm of becoming a saint earlier than Ning Yu'er was, in the final analysis, just because of her status as the eldest grandson and the magical elixir.

Ning Yu'er doesn't understand this kind of thing, doesn't he himself understand it?

I thought that the position of the head of the family would be within my grasp sooner or later, and was even regarded as the young head of the family by many people, but something like Ning Yu'er happened.

Even though King Xiaoyao didn't care about family affairs, if he fell in love with Ning Yu'er and insisted on making him the head of the family, no one in the Ning family would dare to say no.

Ning Qingshu saw that the cooked duck was about to fly away, so it would be strange not to hate Ning Yuer.

"Then why he refuses to let you participate in the expedition to defeat demons? Could it be that he is afraid of the reward promised by the Emperor of Heaven and you will get this great opportunity? But I think he will not have this opportunity if he follows Fu Qitian, right?" Gu Fenghua asked again.

"It's not because of the reward promised by the Emperor of Heaven. We already knew that Fu Qi Tian would participate in this demon-killing expedition, and we didn't have much hope from the beginning." Ning Yu'er replied.

"If it's not for the reward from His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, then what is it for?" Several young Taoist disciples asked curiously.

“Because we in the Xiaoyaotian Palace have been neglected in recent years, and the younger generations are not as good as the previous ones, so this time, the head of the family is ruthless and throws more than a dozen of the Ning family’s descendants into the Xuming Ancient Realm for training.

He and several elders in the clan also persuaded Great-grandfather to open the Illusionary Realm after the demon-defeating campaign is over. Whoever has the best performance at that time will go to the Illusionary Realm to understand the supreme morality.

By the way, Xiaoyao Illusion is the place where my great-grandfather attained enlightenment and attained enlightenment. It was supposed to open once every three thousand years, but this time it was actually an exception. "Ning Yu'er explained.

This time, everyone reacted. Ning Qingshu is the eldest grandson of the eldest family member, and the current head of the family is his direct ancestor. He persuaded King Xiaoyao to open the illusion of Xiaoyao. In fact, it was for Ning Qingshu and others.

In the entire Xiaoyaotian Palace, Ning Yu'er must be the one they are most afraid of, so how could they let him in and do bad things?

"They treated you like this, wouldn't your ancestors stand up and speak for you?" Someone helped Ning Yu'er to fight against the injustice.

"Eight generations of my family had mediocre qualifications and short lifespans. My father's qualifications were pretty good at the time. However, he went crazy because he practiced too quickly and passed away when I was three years old. My mother became depressed and became ill only two years later. I left with him when I was young. I was brought up by several cousins ​​who were never married. Who can speak for me?

My great-grandmother pampered me and pampered me, but what could an outsider say about the family affairs of Xiaoyaotian Palace? "

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