My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6050 6051 Can’t escape from Gu Fenghua’s clutches

"By the way, you just said you wanted to help me?" Seeing that Gu Fenghua's fist did not come down, Ning Yu'er breathed a long sigh of relief and asked curiously.

Seeing this, he could not escape from Gu Fenghua's clutches. If he could get some benefits back, he would at least have some reason to comfort himself.

"Yes, I will try my best to help you get military merit. It may be a little difficult to go to the realm of reincarnation with Emperor Haokong, but it shouldn't be too difficult to go to Xiaoyao Fantasy Mirror." Gu Fenghua said.

It shouldn't be difficult for Ning Qingshu to save his life by following Fu Qitian, but there are definitely more benefits that he shouldn't even think about. But Ning Yu'er is different. Lin Yujing and others have long given up the idea of ​​following Emperor Haokong to the realm of reincarnation, and she has no interest in it. If she helps Ning Yu'er with all her strength, it shouldn't be a problem to get enough military merit. .

"But aren't you not interested in killing demons?" Ning Yu'er asked.

He had good eyesight and had long since noticed that Gu Fenghua had actually been deliberately avoiding the rebellious places where the demons and other tribes lived, and obviously did not want to fight against them.

"It's true that I have no interest in killing demons, but for a heinous person like Xia Houzhan, killing him is to do justice to heaven, but I don't mind doing it." Gu Fenghua said lightly.

"That's right, I'll leave it to you to meet those people again. If you can't handle it, we'll beat him to death for you first, and you can make up for the last blow." Lin Yujing also patted Ning Yu'er on the shoulder, He said carelessly.

Probably because Ning Yu'er was bullied so hard by Gu Fenghua, they couldn't help but laugh every time they saw him shrinking his head like a quail and protecting his head with both arms.

As time went by, they lost their original respect for this "Ning Xiaotianwang" and couldn't help but treat her like a little sister... Oh no, like a little brother.

Although he emphasized this in his heart, Lin Yujing still felt an inexplicable chill and quickly took his hand away from Ning Yu'er's shoulder.

After hearing their words, Ning Yuer's eyes lit up.

Along the way, they actually killed a lot of murderers, but every time they swarmed up and struck them with swords, so the battle credit was not much for everyone, and he was not embarrassed to compete with everyone else.

If all these military exploits were attributed to him alone, Ning Qingshu would not be comparable.

"Well, thank you very much." Ning Yuer excitedly said to everyone.

"It's okay, it's okay. We are close friends, so it's a shame to say so." Everyone waved their hands and said with a smile.

Looking at those innocent smiling faces, Ning Yu'er didn't say anything for a long time, but her eyes became moist again unknowingly.

In the next expedition to defeat demons, Gu Fenghua and others, in addition to looking for the treasure that should be robbed, have another task, which is to find the murderer who fled from the Supreme Heaven to the Xuming Ancient Realm.

In fact, there is no need to search deliberately. Just like before, almost every time they find the treasure that should be robbed, they will encounter these murderers unexpectedly.

Anyway, although these people are famous in the Supreme Heaven, their strength is not worth mentioning compared with the strong men in the Saint Realm, so everyone is too lazy to take action and leaves it to Ning Yu'er.

Even though "King Ning Xiaotian" was bullied like a quail by Miss Wang of the Gu family, he was still a strong man of the fifth level of Saint Transformation, and he had the Xiaoyao Divine Sword in his hand. These murderers were no match for him.

A few months later, a golden star shone in Ning Yuer's Void Spirit Talisman.

Ning Yu'er was so happy all day long when she thought about how Ning's family had put so much effort into it, but in the end most of it ended up being a waste of money and making wedding clothes for herself instead.

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