Being in the holy realm of Fuqi Tian, ​​their minds were in confusion and they could not even use the holy energy. In their opinion, even a strong person of the ninth level of Saint Transformation would probably have no choice but to wait and die if he was trapped in this holy realm that was like the underworld. But Gu Fenghua was still able to take action.

More than just taking action, Gu Fenghua's sword was not affected at all, and there was even a smile on her face that looked like she was suddenly aware of it.

It turns out that Qi Qing can be used in this way.

Ever since she experienced the experience of Demon Heart Valley, she has been thinking about how the seven emotions can be condensed into the sword intention, but she has never been able to figure out the solution.

At this time, she was in the holy realm of Fuchutian, and all kinds of emotions such as joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock came to her heart again. She suddenly had a glimmer of understanding and knew what the problem was.

Although her Eight Swords Guiyuan is a sword skill tailor-made for her by her father, it is ultimately her father's spiritual understanding, not hers. Only by possessing her own Tao can she condense the seven emotions into her sword intention. In fact, if she has her own Tao, she can not only condense the seven emotions into the sword, but can even condense any Tao of heaven and earth into it.

However, now is obviously not the time to learn the art of swordsmanship. The top priority is to deal with Fu Qitian's sword first.

Others can't detect the seven emotions, and there is nothing they can do about Fu Qitian, a holy realm that is like the underworld, but they can't help Gu Fenghua.

Don't forget, when she was in Wuji Holy Heaven, she tempered her soul with the Seven Emotions Tree. After coming to Wuji Holy Heaven, she easily passed the experience of Devil's Heart Valley.

After being distracted for a moment, Gu Fenghua immediately regained consciousness and slashed out with one sword easily!

The dazzling sword light cut through the darkness, and the dark sword light slashed in the air.

Fu Qi Tian poured most of his holy energy and heart into the holy realm, but the power contained in the long sword itself was insufficient. At most, it was only equivalent to the peak of the fifth level of saint transformation, and how could it withstand Gu Fenghua's all-out attack? A sword shot out.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, the dark sword light shattered, and the ancient and clumsy divine sword behind it also retreated violently, and a muffled groan was heard.

The next moment, the sanctuary broke open.

It was as if the morning sun was rising and the morning light was spreading, dispelling the darkness. The gray sky appeared in front of him again, and Fu Qitian's slightly pale face also appeared in front of him.

There was deathly silence all around, everyone was stunned, and the smiles of Ning Qingshu and others completely froze on their faces.

With this sword, Fu Qitian not only failed to kill Gu Fenghua, but was cut through the holy realm by her sword. Looking at it like this, he himself was still seriously injured. How could this be possible?

An illusion, it must be an illusion! Ning Qingshu and others rubbed their eyes vigorously, unable to believe what they saw with their own eyes.

"You lost!" Unfortunately, Gu Fenghua's understatement broke all their illusions.

If you lose, Fuqi Tianzhen really loses.

He is a strong man of the eighth level of Saint Transformation and a descendant of the Mingjing Heavenly King. How could he lose to Gu Fenghua, who only has the sixth level of Transformation Saint and is from an ordinary Taoist palace?

Looking at Gu Fenghua blankly, Lin Yujing and others all looked happy, and the huge boulder weighing on their hearts finally fell to the ground.

Looking blankly at Fu Qingtian, Ning Qingshu and others had strange expressions on their faces: Could it be that this little king just has a false reputation? But that's not right. They had personally experienced the horror of the holy realm just now. How could it be just in vain?

Or maybe the only thing he's strong about is the Holy Domain. If he can't rely on the Holy Domain to win, he can only let others manipulate him?

"No, it's impossible, how could you possibly break through my Seven Emotions Sacred Realm!" Fu Qitian was deeply stung by their suspicious gazes.

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