My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6065 6066The surprising thing is

"Gu Fenghua, go to hell, go to hell!" Finally the Demonic Mirror of Pluto was sacrificed, a ferocious smile appeared on Fu Qitian's face, and he suddenly raised his long sword.

"Sir, let's go!" Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui had no time to think too much. Taking advantage of the fact that the holy energy in their bodies was not completely in chaos and there was still a chance to take action, they drew their swords in time and rushed towards Gu Fenghua.

They didn't have the courage to fight against Fu Qingtian, so they could only try to defend Gu Fenghua for a moment and give her a chance to escape.

"Choke..." Surprisingly, Ning Yu'er also pulled out the Xiaoyao Divine Sword.

"Actually, it's just for a few insignificant ordinary humans. Why do you have to fight for my life and death?" At this moment, Gu Fenghua suddenly said calmly.

What, she can still speak! The young and powerful men behind Fu Qingtian all opened their mouths in surprise.

Even though they were hiding behind Fu Qi Tian, ​​they were still affected by the lingering power of Pluto's Demonic Mirror. The holy energy in their bodies boiled like boiling water. They had to work hard to suppress it by running their skills, and they were unable to speak at all.

Unexpectedly, when Gu Fenghua faced the Pluto Demonic Mirror head-on, he could actually speak and look relaxed.

Lin Yujing, Ning Yu'er and others, who were about to take action, also looked surprised and stopped.

Not to mention them, in fact, even Gu Fenghua himself was equally surprised.

When Fu Qingtian had just used the Demonic Mirror of Pluto, she was really nervous, and she was almost about to use the Demonic Wood Cauldron, but soon she discovered that in addition to being reflected by the ever-expanding Demonic Eye, The figure seemed to be swallowed by it. In addition to feeling a little uncomfortable, the holy energy in the body was slightly churning, and the combat power was somewhat affected.

Other than that, there is nothing strange about it.

The legendary Demonic Mirror of Hades - the artifact (or even Taoist weapon) on which the Demonic Mirror of Hades became famous has this power.

Subconsciously, Gu Fenghua gathered his thoughts and explored Lin Yujing and others behind him, only to realize that he had underestimated the Pluto Demonic Mirror. Except for himself, everyone else was only affected by the residual power of the artifact, and the holy energy in their bodies became chaotic and violent, and even the meridians showed signs of rupture.

Without thinking too much, Gu Fenghua immediately realized that the reason why the Pluto Demonic Mirror did not pose a great threat to him was because of his father's tailor-made mental training method and his unique physique.

You know, she has gone through the power of the Phoenix, Ice Muscle Jade Bone Spring, Qianqiu Snow, and Tianxu Dao Divine Grass to cut her veins and cleanse her marrow again and again. Her physique is so amazingly strong that ordinary practitioners can't even imagine it. I'm afraid I can't even imagine it.

It's not that easy to make her holy energy become chaotic.

If the Pluto Heavenly Magic Mirror was really a Taoist artifact, it might still be possible, but she could feel that the legend was true. Although the Pluto Heavenly Magic Mirror was only one step away from the Taoist artifact, it was not a Taoist artifact after all, but a divine artifact.

More importantly, Fu Qitian was unable to unleash the true power of this artifact. Maybe it's because he can't refine the weapon spirit, or maybe it's because he can't get the weapon spirit's approval. In short, Pluto's Demonic Mirror, a legendary artifact, could not pose a decent threat to her at all.

After realizing this, Gu Fenghua couldn't help but feel sad for Fu Qitian.

In fact, with his eighth-grade Saint Transformation strength, it was really hard for her to deal with him openly and openly.

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