This was an opportunity that the family head and several clan elders had fought hard for for him. How could he give it away? Moreover, he has the right time, place, and people. If he cannot compete with Ning Yu'er, he will probably never be the head of the family in the future. As for taking over the throne of the king after his great-grandfather expires, it is even more idiotic.

Not willing to give in, he was not willing to give in.

If Fu Qingtian was not dead, he was afraid of Gu Fenghua's strength and would not dare to act rashly, but it was different now. Gu Fenghua actually killed Fu Qingtian, and she actually killed the Little Heavenly King Mingjing. Isn't this exactly what he wanted to do? Gu Fenghua's great opportunity.

As long as Gu Fenghua dies, who can protect Ning Yu'er? Who dares to stop him from driving him out of the Xuming Ancient Territory?

It has to be said that Ning Qingshu is indeed somewhat scheming, and he seized this opportunity just right.

Seeing Fu Qitian's death, the young powerful men under him from the three kingdoms were in panic, as if the sky was falling. Their minds were buzzing and in a mess, and they didn't know what they should do or what they should do. Where to go.

Hearing Ning Qingshu's words, a flash of lightning flashed through their chaotic minds: Yes, King Mingjing is moody and he is the most violent and perverse of the four heavenly kings. Now his personally appointed successor has been killed by others. How could he be indifferent?

Of course, Gu Fenghua cannot escape death, but as followers of Fu Qi Tian, ​​they cannot avenge him, and will most likely suffer his wrath. Even if they can escape the death penalty, they will still be punished alive!

This was actually what they were most worried about before.

Only by killing Gu Fenghua and avenging Fu Qi Tian can they be forgiven by King Mingjing and have a way to live.

"Choke..." Everyone pulled out their magic weapons at the same time and surrounded Gu Fenghua and others. As soon as Ning Qingshu gave the order, he rushed forward and killed Gu Fenghua on the spot.

Fu Qingtian was dead, and Ning Qingshu had the most noble status among them, so naturally he only followed his orders.

"Everyone, you are not related to Gu Fenghua, and you have not taken action before. Mr. Fu's death has nothing to do with you. As long as you leave now, I will not embarrass you." Ning Qingshu did not rush to take action, but was gentle and elegant. Said to Lin Yujing and others.

After all, Lin Yujing and others were not weak in strength and had a large number of people. If a melee broke out, it might give Gu Fenghua a chance to escape, so he didn't want to cause trouble.

It has to be said that to be favored by the head of the Ning family and to be recognized by several elders in the clan, Ning Qingshu at least looks pretty good. The warm smile on his face at this time actually makes people feel like a spring breeze.

It's a pity that Lin Yujing and others already knew what he was like, and looking at that sanctimonious smile, their eyes were full of contempt and disdain.

"We understand Mr. Ning's kindness. Unfortunately, we have already sworn to God to follow my master. Unless you walk over our corpses, you will never hurt my master at all!" Lin Yujing and Feng Qirui pointed their swords at Ning Qingshu. , said murderously.

"We owe our lives to you, sir. If you want to avenge Fu Qitian, kill us first!" Others also drew out their magic weapons and said loudly.

Although Gu Fenghua thought it was a bit stupid to kill Fu Qingtian for a few strangers, but on second thought, if she didn't have this seemingly stupid courage, how could she have done it to save them in the first place? Trapped in the Emperor's Bone Bottle, how could he take such risks to save Ning Yu'er?

Therefore, that seemingly stupid move made them even more moved and admired.

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