My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6073 6074 I feel embarrassed just thinking about it.

By the time it was discovered, Ning Yuer had no idea where she had gone. Thinking that the family scandal should not be made public, the matter was kept silent. For fear of disturbing the ancestor's retreat, I didn't dare to report it to him, so except for a few people, no one else knew about it.

Now that Ning Yu'er said that he was able to steal the Xiaoyao Divine Sword out of the Heavenly King's Mansion, it really seemed as if his ancestors deliberately condoned it.

But then again, with the unfathomable cultivation of our ancestors, even if they meditate in seclusion, are they really unaware of the important events in the family? Maybe he really condoned this matter intentionally.

Could it be that our ancestors really valued him so much? Thinking of this, Ning Qingshu felt disappointed and speechless.

In fact, everyone in the Tianwang Palace knows how much King Xiaoyao values ​​Ning Yuer. In many cases, he just refuses to admit it.

Seeing that Ning Qingshu had nothing to say, the others understood more clearly, and many quietly took back their swords.

The main culprit for Fu Qingtian's death was Gu Fenghua, followed by the palace guards, and then it was their turn. Besides, everyone is not to blame. If the sky falls, there will still be someone higher up. King Mingjing may not take out his anger on them one by one. Maybe his anger will dissipate after a while, and he will have no time to look for bad luck on his own.

But if Ning Yuer is cut into pieces with swords, King Xiaoyao will be furious with thunder, and the person who does it will not let go. Even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, he will not escape death.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. If my grandfather really valued him so much, why would I lead the team in this demon-killing expedition? Why would he come from the Holy Spirit King Realm to the Xuming Ancient Realm?

If we can't kill Gu Fenghua today to avenge Mr. Fu's blood, King Mingjing will never let us go! "Hearing the soft sound of the sword being sheathed, Ning Qingshu was startled and shouted to everyone anxiously.

Unfortunately, everyone looked at him and then at the Xiaoyao Divine Sword in Ning Yuer's hand, but this time they were indifferent.

"My eldest son, this matter has nothing to do with my Xiaoyao Heavenly Palace in the first place. Even if Mingjing Heavenly King expresses his anger, he cannot express his anger on us.

Besides, if others are afraid of the Mingjing Heavenly King, should I, Prince Xiaoyao, be afraid too? "On the other hand, a general from Xiaoyao Prince's Palace couldn't stand listening any more. He took a step forward and said indifferently.

Behind him, several other royal generals and descendants of the Ning family also had angry looks on their faces.

Ning Qingshu kept saying that he was worried about the revenge of King Mingjing, but he completely forgot about his identity. He is the eldest grandson of the eldest son of the Ning family, and has even been regarded by many as the young head of the Ning family. He can do nothing but grovel in front of Fu Qingtian. Now that Fu Qingtian died at the hands of an outsider, he was actually so scared. appearance.

Don't talk about outsiders, they themselves feel embarrassed when they think about it.

"We don't have anything else to do here. I'll take my leave now." A descendant of the Ning family bowed slightly to Ning Qingshu, then turned around and left with an angry look on his face.

"We also say goodbye." The others saluted and followed the man away.

Before leaving, everyone looked at Ning Yu'er thoughtfully.

In the past, I always felt that Ning Yu'er was a little more rosy, but today it seems that he is actually soft on the outside and strong on the inside, but he is much more bloody than Ning Qingshu.

"What do you want to do? Don't forget, the head of the family personally gave the order before departure. This demon-killing expedition will be subject to my orders in everything." Seeing their actions, Ning Qingshu was angry and anxious, and shouted angrily.

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