My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6079 6080 Finally realized something was fishy

"Yue Ming..." Lu Qiuhong was surprised and happy, and hugged the boy. The old woman and several other children also gathered around him happily.

"It's not the Hook Snake clan, nor the four kings, it's them, it's them..." The boy did not open his eyes, still clenching his fists and screaming.

"Yue Ming, it's okay, you're okay." Lu Qiuhong hugged the boy tightly, with a few old tears falling from his eyes.

It seemed that he was not lying. Although this boy was just an ancestor, he did treat him as his own son and grandson after spending time with him day and night.

"It's them, it's them..." The boy curled up in Lu Qiuhong's arms, muttering to himself, his voice getting lower and lower, and he fell into sleep again.

Lu Qiuhong and others looked at his face, which was still full of horror even though he was sleeping, with worried expressions on their faces.

"He must have been frightened to the point of confusion. There is no fear for his life." Gu Fenghua put his hand on the boy's veins, explored it with his spiritual mind, and said comfortingly.

The boy's internal organs have been basically healed, and his heart has returned to its original state. His whole body is like a new baby. The only problem is that he is restless and confused.

After all, the other party was too young and belonged to the Shenmu clan. Even though his body's meridians were the same as those of humans, his soul was still very different, so she didn't dare to easily help him restore his soul.

However, depending on the situation, he is not seriously injured and should be able to recover after a period of rest.

"His name is Wen Ren Yueming, and he is one hundred and thirty-six years old this year." Lu Qinghong and others felt relieved and said to Gu Fenghua again.

Many people in the Shenmu clan were not born in human form, but maintained the prototype of the Shenmu, and even had limited intelligence. You have to wait until your spiritual wisdom is opened before you can transform into a human form. So no one was surprised to hear the little boy's age.

"By the way, what did he mean by what he said just now?" Ning Yu'er was a little curious about Wenren Yueming's frightening scream before.

"This..." Lu Qiuhong pondered.

Although they had known each other for a long time, Wenren Yueming's injuries were good and bad, and she was awake and confused sometimes, so he didn't have time to ask many things. If Gu Fenghua hadn't helped awaken the soul of the sacred tree, he wouldn't have even known Wenren Yueming. Ming was born into the Ruomu Sacred Tree clan.

"I remembered that two elders of the Ruomu clan were killed a few days ago. It is said that it was the Hook Snake clan who did it. Because of this, the two clans turned against each other.

In other words, the Ruomu clan was too weak to retaliate, otherwise they would have bloodbathed the Black Jade City of the Hook Snake clan. Could this be what Yue Ming said? "Lu Qiuhong finally thought of something and said to everyone with a solemn expression.

Noticing his serious expression, Gu Fenghua didn't pay much attention at first, but soon, an idea came to his mind and he fell into deep thought.

"So what?" Ning Yu'er was a little confused.

Although Lin Yujing and others did not speak, they noticed that Lu Qiuhong and Gu Fenghua looked a little confused.

"Since it was not killed by the Hook Snake clan, then who killed it?" Gu Fenghua prompted.

"Only a ghost knows that there are so many races in the Xuming Ancient Territory, and there are murderers from the Supreme Heaven. How do I know who killed them?" Ning Yu'er became even more confused.

"The major races in the Xuming Ancient Territory are like grasshoppers on a rope. Even if there are some disputes on weekdays, they would not dare to take action against the elders of other clans. And the murderers from the Supreme Heaven, unless absolutely necessary, would probably not dare to provoke them. On their heads." Gu Fenghua said.

"That's true." Ning Yu'er nodded, finally realizing that this matter was strange.

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