My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6098 6099 Mother’s Bloodline

Thanks to the fusion of water and milk, the awakened power poured into her meridians and sea of ​​energy, blocking Helian Xiongba's almost fatal blow!

Mature stage, Obsidian is about to enter the mature stage. The iron-eating beast's powerful power, which could compete with the dragon clan, finally fully awakened. It was precisely with this strength that she was able to withstand Helian Xiongba's sky-shattering punch.

At that moment, Gu Fenghua almost cried with joy.

I remember that when I was in Wuji Holy Heaven, because the spiritual energy was too thin, Obsidian's lifespan was not enough, and it was once hovering on the edge of death. But in the end, it not only survived tenaciously, but was about to grow into a real iron-eating beast. , possessing terrifying power comparable to that of the Dragon Clan!

But soon, Gu Fenghua knew that her surprise was not over yet, and she would receive even bigger surprises next.

After a short pause, the confused Helian Xiongba punched a second time. This time, he used a full 90% of his strength, and even the awakening power of Obsidian was almost unable to withstand it. As a result, Gu Fenghua's whole body's meridians were broken, and even his internal organs were seriously injured.

But at that moment, she suddenly discovered that another mysterious force quietly appeared in her meridians, but it no longer came from the demon pet space, but from the depths of her heart.

Looking inside attentively, I saw a sapling appearing in my heart, quickly pulling out its branches and leaves, shaking its graceful figure, exuding an extremely ethereal charm.

Fuso sacred tree! Gu Fenghua recognized it at a glance, it was the legendary Fusang Sacred Tree.

The sacred tree grows at an astonishing speed. If the heart is regarded as the world, then it only takes a moment for it to grow into a towering giant tree!

To be more precise, this is not the real sacred tree, but the soul of the sacred tree.

It turns out that the rumors are true. My mother comes from the Fuso Sacred Tree clan, and she really has the blood of the Fuso Sacred Tree!

Gu Fenghua finally understood why he could awaken the soul of the sacred tree that even the Ruomu clan could not awaken. Because the Fusang clan is the lord of thousands of demonic plants in the world. In this land of twisted laws in the Xuming Ancient Realm, who else but myself could awaken the soul of the sacred tree for Wenren Yueming?

In the heart veins, the real and imaginary soul of the hibiscus tree shakes its graceful figure, dreamlike and beautiful light patterns ripple, and streams of condensed vitality pour into the eight meridians, limbs and bones.

Although the holy robe was stained red with blood, the damaged meridians and internal organs were healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Fine lines that resemble tree veins are also densely covered in the meridians and bones. Her body has become ten times, a hundred times stronger than before!

The reason why the Fuso Sacred Tree is known as the Lord of Thousands of Demonic Plants is because it is far superior to the defenses of other races. In fact, when it comes to vitality, the Fuso Sacred Tree is not inferior to the Ruomu Sacred Tree, but because it is too defiant for defense, its tenacious vitality has been ignored.

At this moment, the bloodline of the Fuso Shenmu finally awakened. The meridians, organs, and bones in her body were a hundred times stronger than before. At the same time, she also possessed a vitality that was not inferior to that of the Ruomu clan. Gu Fenghua believed that any strong person under the Taoist Saint would want to harm her life. It’s not easy, and Helian Xiongba is no exception.

The fact was just as she expected. Even though Helian Xiongba tried his best to punch her, he was unable to hurt her at all. The tyrannical power was easily resolved by the tree veins, but Helian Xiongba himself was knocked away by the awakening power of Obsidian.

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