My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6100 6101 See if I can beat you to death

Looking at the majestic and domineering figure of this young iron-eating beast, not only Lin Yujing and others, but also the various tribesmen in the Xuming Ancient Territory were fascinated.

But the next moment, the young iron-eating beast cursed with an exotic aura, which shocked them so much that their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

"You old melon, if you dare to get ahead of me, I'll beat you to death with a hammer." Hei Yao roared angrily and punched out.

"Bang!" Two giant hammer-like fists slammed together, and a golden star point was created, like the most dazzling fireworks at night.

Helian Xiongba groaned and flew out again.

What a tyrannical force! Everyone's hearts trembled violently.

Helian Xiongba himself was a strong man of the ninth level of Saint Transformation. After returning to his original form, he even used the innate power of the Iron-Eating Beast clan to its limit. However, even so, he was still punched away by the young Iron-Eating Beast opposite him.

How tyrannical is his power.

"Hapichuochao, if you dare to act like a fool, I'll see if I can beat you to death." Before Helian Xiongba could get up, he saw the young iron-eating beast sweeping over like a golden whirlwind, grabbing his arm with one hand. The body twisted into a strange arc, turned back violently, and threw him away again.

Then he flew to catch up, and before he landed, he grabbed his heels, fell down, danced him high, and threw him to the ground with a "bang" sound.

What kind of combat skill is this? Everyone was dazzled when they saw the young iron-eating beast's dexterous movements that were completely inconsistent with its fat body, but equally powerful.

Drunken Master, meet Drunken Master again!

"Bah, bah, bah..." Under Emperor Meteor Peak, the young iron-eating beast walked with uncertain steps, swaying its body as if drunk, and time and time again lifted Helian Xiong's tall figure high as a mountain. He swung it up and then fell heavily to the ground, which was also mixed with such exotic curses as "Turtle son Guawazi Hapi Chuochuo ancestor Banban" and so on.

The poor Helian Xiongba was flying and smashing down, letting out a muffled roar from his mouth, but he could never stand up again.

Gu Fenghua had already lost his mind, and secretly decided in his heart: When he has the opportunity in the future, he must go to Obsidian's hometown to see where he learned this curse.

"Stop, I surrender!" With another muffled "bang" sound, Helian Xiongba finally let out a roar of shame, anger, helplessness and frustration.

Unfortunately, Obsidian's Drunken Fist was in full swing, and before he could finish his words, he twisted his waist again and threw him up high. Then, amid the howling wind, Helian Xiongba was seen dancing through the air like a huge fly swatter, and then swatted towards the ground.

"No..." Helian Xiongba screamed. His originally naive face with two dark circles under his eyes was almost flattened, and now it was filled with fear.

"Obsidian stop!" Gu Fenghua shouted.

Even she couldn't bear that the leader of the iron-eating beast clan was bullied like this by his own clan.

Pandas know martial arts and no one can stop them.

Just when Helian Xiongba's round face was about to come into close contact with the earth again, Obsidian's huge figure straightened up and stopped.

"Hoo, ho..." Helian Xiongba gasped and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're lucky, son of a bitch. I'll let you go today." Hei Yao said with unfinished meaning and loosened his grip on Helian Xiongba's ankle.

Then, hearing a "bang" sound, Helian Xiongba once again landed on his face and fell heavily to the ground.

Everyone around him was shaken by the crisp sound, and then all turned their heads, unable to bear to look any further.

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