My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6103 6104 I was crying just now

"Really?" Black Yao's eyes lit up, and he finally stopped objecting firmly. Although he was still wiping tears, his excited expression had softened a lot, but there was still a bit of doubt in his eyes when he looked at Helian Xiongba.

"Of course it's true. You are the king of my iron-eating beast clan. How dare I lie to you? If you want to follow my mother, just do it for now. If you want to come back later, you can come back. If you want to leave, you can leave." Seeing his attitude, I finally With some relief, Helian Xiongba quickly seized the opportunity and said with a smile on his face.

"My king has returned. The Iron-Eating Beast Clan will naturally respect my King. Who dares to deceive my King!" Behind them, a group of Iron-Eating Beast Clan members also said in unison.

"No, I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about you really knowing how to make wine?" Hei Yao swallowed his saliva and asked with shining eyes.

"Well... of course this is true. This is the green bamboo drunk that I personally brewed. It is brewed with the green bamboo rice that is a specialty of our tribe. The green bamboo grows for hundreds of years and blooms for thousands of years. After the bamboo rice is produced, it will be consumed. Bamboo rice is extremely precious, and it takes at least a hundred years to brew green bamboo drunkenness, so..." Helian Xiongba then realized that he had made a mistake, and as he spoke, he took out a huge wine barrel.

As expected of a clan of iron-eating beasts, they are indeed heroic. If other people are good at wine, they might as well carry a jug or jar with them, but they carry a wine barrel with them.

Before Helian Xiongba finished speaking, the wine barrel he was holding was snatched away by Obsidian.

Then, he pulled out the stopper on the bucket, squinted his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, he was already intoxicated. Without giving Helian Xiongba a chance to speak, Obsidian raised his head and drank heavily in front of the wine barrel.

"Why is there only half a barrel? Is there any more?" Soon, a barrel of green bamboo was completely drunk. The little bear cub wiped his mouth, shook the empty barrel again, and asked disappointedly.

Helian Xiongba pursed his lips, his heart bleeding. He hasn't finished what he just said. It would take at least a hundred years to brew Qingzhu Zui. With his status, ordinary Qingzhu Zui is naturally inedible. It would take at least a thousand years to brew Qingzhu Zui himself. In addition, with the addition of Qingyu Bamboo blooms and bears fruit only once in a thousand years, and it takes at least two thousand years to brew a barrel of green bamboo drunkenness.

He had been saving and saving on weekdays, and finally saved this half a bucket. In just a few moments, it was all sacrificed to Obsidian's five internal organs temple. How could he not feel pain in his body?

But then he thought about it, Obsidian was so good at drinking, it would definitely be a great good thing for the Iron-eating Beast clan. His mood suddenly brightened again, and he turned to look at the clan members.

"I still have it here."

"I have it too."

"I have one too." Before the clan leader could speak, a famous iron-eating beast clan member took out his own wine barrel.

"Get out of the way, you brewed that green bamboo drink and you have the nerve to bring it out, so you won't be afraid of insulting my king's status." Several strong old men took out wine barrels that were as tall as one person, and directly used the barrels to push everyone away. Staggering around.

"This is the green bamboo wine that we spent two thousand years brewing. Please let me, the king, taste it." Several old men said to Obsidian respectfully.

"Mother...Mother, I'm going to...get together with my relatives. I'll be back in a while." Hei Yao rolled his tongue and staggered over, running over. Even though he was tapping his left foot with his right foot, his speed was not at all. slow.

I was crying so hard just now that I couldn't bear to leave. But I ran away so quickly. As expected, I am a mother when I have wine. Gu Fenghua put his hand on his forehead and didn't say a word for a long time.

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