My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 6116 6117 It’s definitely not good for you to find me

When Gu Hanyi and Gu Yeyu went to Zhengyang Taoist Mansion in person, they wanted Gu Fenghua to participate in the demon-killing expedition. After all, Gu Fenghua had just arrived at Wuji Holy Heaven at that time, and her strength was not very high. They did not expect that their precious sister could be promoted to the fifth level of the Holy Transformation in such a short period of time. They thought that with her strength, she would Participating in the crusade to defeat demons also requires them to do something secretly.

Afraid that they would show up rashly and leak the secrets to attract the attention of Emperor Haokong, Pang Shidao specially reminded them and made a three-part agreement with them. However, he did not expect that Gu Fenghua's brilliant performance in the Qingyuan Dao Pond forced the Zhengyang Dao Mansion to become murderous. Before the two brothers could take action, they took the initiative to send her to the Xuming Ancient Territory to "die".

When he learned about this, Pang Shidao just laughed it off and didn't think much about it. Only now did I realize that their single-minded focus on sending Gu Fenghua to the Xuming Ancient Realm actually had a deeper meaning.

"Haokong has noticed that there is not much time left for Fenghua. If he wants to improve his strength as soon as possible, the only way is to go to the Xuming Tribulation Realm." Gu Yeyu nodded, confirming Pang Shidao's guess.

"However, even with the help of Yun Wutian and others, I'm afraid it will be difficult to open the Void Nether Tribulation Realm." Pang Shidao said with a frown.

With his strength, he can open the realm of tribulation in the virtual world, but as soon as a strong man in the Tao Saint realm enters the ancient realm of the virtual world, he is very likely to trigger the tribulation realm. Even if he wanted to help Gu Fenghua, he would not dare to risk his life rashly.

As for the brothers Gu Hanyi and Gu Yeyu, they certainly have the ability to open the realm of virtual tribulation, but everything is restricted by laws, and as the Four Saints of Heaven, they are no exception. They can only suppress the path of calamity, but they cannot open the realm of calamity, otherwise they will surely fall into a situation of eternal calamity.

"Don't worry, King Pang Tian. Someone will help you with this matter." Gu Yeyu said meaningfully as he looked at the Xuming Ancient Territory.

Pang Shidao looked up and saw a group of Tiangong guards in armor flying towards Emperor Meteor Peak.

"Let's go, it's time for us to stretch our muscles and bones." Gu Hanyi stretched and said.

"Come on, let's go. This kid named Qin has always acted impulsively. We can't let Feng Hua take risks this time." Gu Yeyu jumped up from the Heavenly King's chair and said excitedly.

"Wait a minute, it's enough for you to show up in private. If you fight Qin Nanxian, the secret will be revealed, and you can no longer hide it from Emperor Haokong." Seeing the actions of the two people, Pang Shidao was startled and quickly reminded him.

"The laws of the Xuming Ancient Realm are twisted, so there is no need to worry." Gu Yeyu stopped and said hesitantly.

"Be careful and you won't make a big mistake. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst." Pang Shidao said cautiously.

"I'm just worried that if something happens, I think King Pang Tianwang will have a way to deal with it." Gu Hanyi looked at Pang Shidao deeply with a penetrating gaze and said.

"It's not that there are no ways to deal with it, but..." Pang Shidao said hesitantly.

"King Pang Tian, ​​your people are now trapped in the Xuming Ancient Territory. If Qin Nanxian takes action personally, and Fenghua Yunwutian, Dongfang Yahan and others help, their lives may not be in danger. But most of your people will never be seen again. I can't come back." Gu Yeyu said with a half-smile, as if he was convinced.

"I knew it would be bad for you to find me. That's all. It's just a waste of thousands of years of life. I can't get back my old life." Pang Shidao glanced at the two of them angrily and said depressedly.

After that, he made his fingerprints.

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