My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 740: 740 Doing Business, Doing Business

As the elites of Xinghua Kingdom who are about to participate in the competition, Gu Fenghua and others were invited to sit on the side of the competition stage early on, looking at the compatriots wearing Xinghua country costumes and the anticipation on their faces, The expressions of Gu Fenghua and the others became serious. They deeply felt that not only the honor of Xinghua Nation was on their shoulders, but also the expectations of every citizen in Xinghua Nation!

"What about Enen, where did you go?" The fat man asked looking around. Luo Enen came to the Holy Arena with them, and was invited to a seat together, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"I don't know." Gu Fenghua didn't care about Luo Enen, and focused on Ye Wuse.

When she woke up this morning, she noticed some subtle changes in Ye Wuse's body. His face was expressionless, his eyes were deep, and they became unusually deep. That kind of deepness is definitely not the sadness that is poisoned by the romance script, but a kind of faint sadness, but it is endless and far-reaching, as if there is something on the mind.

Such deepness is a bit similar to Qiu Mingxuan, but Qiu Mingxuan is obviously pretending, but the faint but endless and profound sadness in Ye Wuse's eyes comes from the bottom of his heart, or in other words, it has been hidden in him all the time. Deep down.

what happened to him? The ten party ceremony will start soon, Gu Fenghua is a little worried.

"Where did this guy go, why did he disappear in just a blink of an eye?" The fat man didn't notice Ye Wuse's strangeness, he was still looking around.

Alas, Ye Wuse is already very worrying, what the hell is Lonen doing? Gu Fenghua looked away from Ye Wuse and searched the crowd.

"Peanuts, melon seeds, tea, hemp balls, vegetable corners, meat buns, hurry up, they will be gone in a while." At this moment, Luo Enen's crisp voice sounded from the crowd.

I saw a slim and graceful figure carrying a huge bamboo dustpan, shuttled briskly among the crowd.

Although she was wearing a headscarf and thick rouge was smeared on her face, people who were not familiar with her could not recognize who it was at a glance, but only hearing the familiar voice, Gu Fenghua and the others couldn't recognize it as Luo. Missy is the strange thing.

The eyeballs of Gu Fenghua and Fatty Bai almost fell off, and even the preoccupied Ye Wuse opened his mouth wide in shock. Last night, they heard that Luo Enen said that she had to think carefully, make a decision before making a move, and give them a big surprise, so they didn't worry too much.

Speaking of which, Lornen's IQ is not bad, it's just that he is too lazy to use his brain a lot of the time. If he is serious, he might really succeed.

Just like when she was practicing the Art of Breaking the Sky and Cutting the Waves, everyone thought she was angry with Fatty Bai at first, but after a lot of hard work and practice, she really realized the essence of it, and even Fatty Bai was no longer her. The opponent was once again bullied by her and ran all over the ground.

Besides, with Luo Enen's jumping personality, when she makes up her mind and makes a decision, she doesn't know when, maybe she will forget it herself, so there is nothing to worry about.

Who knew that she took action so quickly and really started to make money in business. It's just... This is the result of her careful consideration, planning and then acting. This surprise is really too big, bigger than the sky.

"Give me two taels of melon seeds, and a pot of tea." Not to mention, Miss Luo really has business, and soon, someone waved and said.

"Okay." Lonen quickly took out a small scale, weighed two taels of melon seeds, then conjured up a teapot like a magic trick, and handed it to him with tea.

"How much?" the man asked.

"Three hundred taels of silver." Luo Enen replied.

"Huh, why didn't you grab it?" The man was startled, and the hand holding the teapot trembled violently.

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