My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

799 Chapter 799 I really underestimated you

799 I Really Underestimated You

All the people of Guanghua stood up and cheered, which made people's ears buzz.

"Fenghua, do you think that Chen Xinzhong, Fu Cheng and He Xudong are weird, and they are different from yesterday." Luo Enen watched the figures approaching slowly, and said to Gu Fenghua in a low voice.

"Don't pay attention to them, just follow the plan later, and don't underestimate the enemy." Gu Fenghua nodded and said.

She also discovered that among the other four, Xiang Wushang was not much different from yesterday, but Chen Xinzhong and Fu Cheng were obviously not as arrogant as yesterday. It's as deep as the sea, and you can't see any joy, anger, sorrow or joy in it, just like four walking dead.

It was obvious that Su Muyun used some secret technique on several people again, but it was impossible to know what secret technique it was. Gu Fenghua didn't bother to think about it at this time, so he could only follow yesterday's plan and adapt accordingly.

"Today is the last match of this year's Ten-Party Ceremony. Xiang Wushang, Chen Xinzhong, Fu Cheng, and He Xudong from Guanghua Kingdom will face off against Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, Jun Lansheng, and Ye Wuse from Xinghua Kingdom! If there is no Disagreement, let's start the competition." There was another long chime of the ancient bell, and Mr. Shuiyue stepped onto the competition platform, announcing loudly.

The audience from the two countries shouted in unison, and eight figures flew onto the stage at the same time from the seats on both sides of the competition stage.

"Gu Fenghua, you are dead, and you, you, you are dead." Xiang Wushang pointed at Gu Fenghua and the others one by one, and said with a grin.

"Pervert!" Gu Fenghua and the others cursed in unison with contempt on their faces.

Seeing the undisguised contempt in the eyes of several people, Xiang Wushang's pupils shrank slightly. I thought that Gu Fenghua and the others would be affected to some extent after seeing my cruel method yesterday, but at this moment, in their eyes, there was only contempt, and there was no fear at all.

"Do you really think that your few words yesterday can shake our hearts?" Gu Fenghua said disdainfully.

"It seems that I really underestimated you. But so what, you will still die a miserable death." Only then did Xiang Wushang know that Gu Fenghua had already seen through his intentions, but he didn't feel embarrassed at all. Said sullenly.

"Really!" Gu Fenghua slowly raised the long sword, and pointed the scabbard wrapped in silk cloth at Wushang.

"Sura, Wushang!" Xiang Wushang suddenly drew his sword, and slashed at Gu Fenghua.

The sword light swept across the sky, and the situation changed drastically. The originally clear sky suddenly turned dark and dark, filled with evil spirits as if Shura was born.

No one expected that Xiang Wushang's sword would be so sudden, it even seemed to be a sneak attack, and the shouts that filled the holy arena were stopped for a moment.

"One sword, shocking!" Others did not guess, but Gu Fenghua was already prepared, and slashed head-on with the long sword in his hand.

Although it was wrapped in thick silk cloth, there was still a buzzing sound like a dragon chant from the long sword, emitting a dazzling cold light, and the dark clouds that covered the sky were also broken by a sword, like a sword Lightning pierces the sky.

"Boom!" The two swords intersected, and there was a loud noise, Gu Fenghua and Xiang Wushang each took a step back.

This sword, the two sides were evenly divided, neither took advantage of the slightest.

Before gaining a firm foothold, the two swung their swords and attacked each other head-on.

Layers of black clouds were densely covered, and the roads were as cold as lightning. In the blink of an eye, Gu Fenghua and Xiang Wushang were fighting fiercely. On the competition stage, there were bursts of swords and thunder.

"I didn't expect that Gu Fenghua would have such fighting power. He won't lose the slightest bit when fighting against the fifth-rank Soul Sage with the fourth-rank Soul Sage." Someone said in surprise in the audience.

There is a problem with the title of this chapter, but it cannot be modified. I will revise it after the editor returns to work. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

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