My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 801: 801 Are they desperate?

The two sword glows, like lightning, collided in the air again and again, flashing a piece of lightning snake, and making soft chirping sounds, as if the two had rehearsed countless times in advance.

I don't know when, the long swords of the two were covered with cracks, and the tiger's mouth holding the sword was also dripping with blood.

Ye Wuse's tear-filled eyes were already a bit blurred, which was obviously the result of a great damage to his holy spirit and mind. But He Xudong's eyes are still so deep, like a dry well, without any emotion, and his sword is still so exquisite and sharp.

"We've won, we've won this match!" An excited and joyful voice came from the audience in Guanghua Kingdom.

As long as you have a little insight, you can see that Chen Xinzhong, Fu Cheng, and He Xudong have the absolute upper hand, and it will only be a matter of time before Luo Enen loses. Among the four people in Xinghua, only Gu Fenghua and Xiang Wushang were worthy of a draw, but once several of her companions lost, she would be one against four, and the defeat would only take a moment.

"It's strange to say, how can Chen Xinzhong have such fighting power, judging by their sword power, I'm afraid that ordinary soul masters are not their opponents." The companion beside him said strangely.

"Look at their eyes!" At this moment, someone said in surprise.

Looking closely, the eyes of Chen Xinzhong and the others were oozing thin bloodshot eyes, and those eyes that were already deep and lifeless looked so strange.

"I see, they used the secret method to forcibly increase their combat power!" Soon, someone realized what was going on.

"If I'm not mistaken, they relied on this method to defeat their opponent yesterday." The others suddenly realized.

"Speaking of it this way, the victory is invincible." Someone said ashamedly.

"It's related to the rise and fall of my Guanghua for a hundred years. If I win without fighting, I will win without fighting." Some people comforted themselves.

On the competition stage, Gu Fenghua's heart kept sinking.

She could also see that Chen Xinzhong and the others used secret methods to forcibly improve their cultivation in order to gain the upper hand. But they just used the secret method once yesterday, and if they use it again today, are they going to die!

But thinking about the Ninth Prince and himself, Gu Fenghua felt relieved again. As the people of Xinghua and the Ninth Prince, they have their own responsibilities. Similarly, as the people of Guanghua, Chen Xinzhong and others also have their responsibilities!

Of course, now is not the time to be emotional. If this continues, Loenen and the others will undoubtedly lose.

"Bitch, haven't you woken up yet!" Gu Fenghua shouted in his mind.

"Master, I'm here, watch me torture him to death!" Accompanied by the extremely arrogant but also extremely cheap voice in his mind, the hard stone surface under Xiang Wushang's feet suddenly cracked, and a vine full of needles burst. The stone came out like a boa constrictor, entwining Xiang Wuyou to death.

A dark, fat-headed and fat-brained bear cub also appeared out of thin air, and a bear paw slapped Xiang Wushang hard on the body.

"Bang!" Amidst the muffled sound, Xiang Wushang flew out heavily.

The sudden drastic change took everyone by surprise.

Monster pet! The Shifang Grand Ceremony does not restrict the use of demon pets, but because the growth of demon pets is too slow, soul saints, including saints below soul saints, have a limited lifespan, and it is difficult to have a demon pet that matches their own strength. A demon pet that is too bad will not only be of no help, but may also become a burden to the holy master because of the connection of mind and soul. Therefore, demon pets rarely appear on the competition stage of the Shifang Grand Ceremony.

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