"It's not that easy to go to Wuji Holy Heaven." Qin Yuanan shook his head and said.

The reason why he didn't resolutely dispel Ye Wuse's idea of ​​revenge in person is because he knows that it is not so easy to go to Wuji Holy Heaven, but if he can't reach Wuji Holy Heaven, how can he find the other half of the seal of Qijue? How can Ye Wuse take revenge , he is actually very contradictory.

"There will always be a chance." Gu Fenghua said. Of course she also knows that it is not easy to go to Wuji Shengtian, but she will always find a way, and she will never give up lightly.

"Colorless, here is another rare treasure of heaven and earth. It has been in my hands for thousands of years. Although no one knows what it is, it can greatly improve your cultivation after taking it. Share it with you guys." Qin Yuanan took it. Take out a dry medicinal herb and say to Ye Wuse.

Although he still said it lightly, since it has been treasured by the Guanghua royal family for thousands of generations, he also knows that this pearl of herbs is not unusual.

Seeing that Qin Yuanan didn't let Ye Wuse enjoy it all by himself, but shared it equally, several people admired his mind even more.

Gu Fenghua and the others looked at the medicinal herb at the same time, and saw that the medicinal herb was about half a foot long, with a light purple color all over its body. Although it had dried up long ago, it could still be seen that the branches and leaves were tender, obviously not fully grown, but A young grass.

Several people looked at the herb carefully, and suddenly felt a familiar breath, and at the same time their eyes widened in shock.

"Do you know this medicinal herb?" Qin Yuan'an asked suspiciously, seeing the shock of several people.

When it comes to eyesight, who can compare with the royal family of a country, but this medicinal herb has been in his hands for thousands of years, but no one knows what it is, how could Gu Fenghua and others know.

"Purple Chen Jade Heart Grass!" Gu Fenghua blurted out in unison.

"Are you sure this is really Zichen Sacred Heart Grass?" Qin Yuanan's voice trembled slightly.

The royal families of all countries have extraordinary backgrounds. Of course, he also knew the origin of the Zichen Sacred Heart Grass, but he never dreamed that the medicinal herb that the Guanghua Imperial Family had treasured for tens of thousands of years turned out to be the legendary Zichen Sacred Heart Grass.

However, he still has some doubts about Gu Fenghua's words. You must know that the Zichen Sacred Heart Grass originated from Mishi Zichen. After the catastrophe tens of thousands of years ago, the Zichen Sacred Heart Grass also disappeared. , the vast majority of people in this world have never even heard of it, how dare Gu Fenghua and others conclude that this is the Purple Dust Sacred Heart Grass.

"There is absolutely no mistake, we have taken the Zichen Sacred Heart Pill." Gu Fenghua said with certainty.

Although they have never seen Zichen Sacred Heart Grass, they have taken Zichen Sacred Heart Pill. Although the herb in front of them has not yet grown up, it is just a young grass, but the breath on it is exactly the same as Zichen Sacred Heart Pill.

Ye Wuse and Luo Enen also nodded, confirming her statement.

Seeing that even Ye Wuse nodded, Qin Yuanan had no doubts about Gu Fenghua's words.

Guessing that most of the Zichen Sacred Heart Pill they took came from the Xinghua Temple, and it was related to the secrets of the temple, so he didn't ask much, but his expression became more excited.

"Hey, you didn't collect such a precious herb well, and they were all bitten by rats like this." Luo Enen said complainingly.

Taking a closer look, the Purple Dust Sacred Heart Grass in front of me is incomplete, and there are teeth bite marks in many places.

What a waste!

Gu Fenghua and the others thought of these four characters at the same time, and felt sorry for the Purple Dust Sacred Heart Grass. How did such a treasure of heaven and earth fall into the hands of the Guanghua royal family? They didn't know how to cherish it, but they were bitten like this by a mouse.

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