My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 855 855 Guessed the beginning but not the ending

This is the girl from Xianchi, this is the girl from Xianchi who is sentimental, sensual, intelligent, blue-hearted, heavenly, beautiful, beautiful and elegant! Oh my god, come another sky thunder and strike me to death.

"What you said is true?" Ye Wuse asked with a pale face.

Although it's just a desire but a wish, so as not to leave any regrets in life, but such a result is really too scary.

"Of course it's true. I'm still going to lie to you. Look at what I just wrote." Aunt Picking Foot lifted up the paper she had just written on the table.

You don't need to read carefully, Ye Wu can be sure that the auntie in front of you is indeed Xianchi, she is too entangled and cruel.

Ye Wuse stood there dumbfounded, his mind was blank.

"My lord, it's getting late, how about we go into the house and hold a candle at night to talk?" The auntie stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, and took the hand that just picked her foot towards Ye Wuse's arm. That shy look is so terrifying.

"Help!" Ye Wuse screamed, and was the first to rush out of the yard.

Behind them, Gu Fenghua and the others also tried their best to rush out like desperately.

According to their cultivation, of course Aunt Xianchi couldn't live with them, but the roars behind them made everyone tremble in their hearts. One by one, they ran like rabbits fleeing for their lives, panicked and desperate!

We guessed the beginning, but not the ending. Gu Fenghua and others ran wildly all the way, tears streaming down their hearts.

This result is too miserable.

Without waiting until the next day, Gu Fenghua and others packed their bags and left Guanghua Capital as quickly as possible in the evening.

"Didn't you say we'll leave tomorrow? Why are you in such a hurry to leave? Your Highness, is there some serious trouble?" Lin Hanyi asked with a frown, and Zhang Haoran and others also looked solemn.

"Your Highness, why don't you go first, and we will leave behind." Several guards were even more loyal and courageous, holding sword hilts, ready to die generously.

The Ninth Prince's order to leave was too urgent and too sudden, and he couldn't even wait for one night, and it even seemed like he was running for his life, and he didn't know how much trouble he had caused? It might not be that easy to leave Guanghua Capital.

"Let's break the queen, and you escort His Highness away." Lin Hanyi took a deep breath and held the hilt of the sword.

"It's not as serious as you think, it's just an accident, let's go." The Ninth Prince couldn't laugh or cry, I really don't know where these guys have such a rich imagination.

In fact, I don’t blame others for thinking too much. It’s because they looked too terrified when they fled back, especially Ye Wuse, who is still in a daze as if he had hit a ghost. Lin Hanyi even suspected that these guys You won't sneak into the Xinghua Palace to assassinate Emperor Yuan'an, right? Otherwise panicked like this.

The carriage drove out of the city quickly, Gu Fenghua and others finally breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, no one caught up.

Ye Wuse opened the curtain and glanced back, his face finally became normal, but there was a bit of unspeakable loneliness in his eyes.

"I was thinking, did I do something wrong, and I shouldn't have let him go." Gu Fenghua said with some self-blame.

"You can't say that, at least there will be less worries and regrets." Fatty Bai said comfortingly.

"I think that sometimes there is a kind of beauty in shortcomings." Gu Fenghua said.

In fact, the shortcomings are not beautiful, but compared with the Xianchi girl, no matter how big the shortcomings are, they are a kind of beauty.

Asking for a monthly ticket and asking for a recommendation ticket, can you also be cheeky and ask for a reward?

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