Involuntarily, Gu Fenghua thought of Su Muyun again.

Could it be that Tang Jixing and Su Muyun are in the same group? If this is the case, what is their status in Wuji Shengtian?

Gu Fenghua has already guessed the truth, but the guess is just a guess after all, and she can't verify it.

"I never thought that Guanghua Kingdom would be so despicable and shameless!" Zhang Haoran and the others scolded in unison.

As soon as they heard that it was related to the Shifang Grand Ceremony, they naturally put the account on Guanghua Kingdom.

"Forget it, don't think so much, anyway, I'll be home soon." Gu Fenghua said indifferently.

Ye Wuse's identity is unknown to others, don't they know? Tang Jixing's appearance, of course, has nothing to do with Guanghua Kingdom.

Gu Fenghua didn't have any doubts about Qin Yuan'an. Even if he had a different intention, there was no need to use other people's hands. When he was in Shenghuang Pavilion, he had a lot of opportunities to make a move. Besides, Qin Yuan'an didn't have a master like Tang Jixing either. Please move him if you are qualified.

It didn't take long for Gu Fenghua and his party to catch up with Feng Yuanshi and the others.

In fact, after the return of the Ninth Prince, Zhang Haoran and others, they did not leave, they stopped at the same place and waited. Seeing that Gu Fenghua was safe and sound, they were also very surprised, and gathered around to ask questions.

Gu Fenghua only said that he was rescued by an expert, and he prevaricated casually with a few words.

It's not that she doubts the character of Feng Yuanshi and the others. After getting along for so long, she has already seen that Feng Yuanshi and the others are just playboys. This is also a common problem of children from aristocratic families. However, there are many people with mixed opinions, so it is better to say less about things that should not be known to them.

Fortunately, after Feng Yuanshi and others went to Guanghua Kingdom, they also experienced a lot of setbacks and blows, and became much more mature than before. Seeing that she was unwilling to say more, they didn't ask any more questions.

Fearing that the night would be long and dreamy, everyone didn't stay, and continued on their way while taking advantage of the moonlight. There was no danger along the way, and after a few days, he returned to Xinghua Capital.

The earthquake fog has just dispersed, and the towering ancient city tower is covered with a layer of golden tulle under the reflection of the rising sun. Looking from a distance, there are crowds of people on the city tower, and countless people are waiting eagerly.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Just as Gu Fenghua and the others saw the ancient city tower, the soldiers on the watchtower also saw their silhouettes. With the sound of passionate drums, everyone rushed down the tower and lined up Welcome Gu Fenghua and others to return in triumph.

The man in the golden armor at the head was the Emperor Xinghua, beside him was the eldest prince, on the other side were the Prime Minister of Xinghua Gu Tianci and the dean of Lingtian Academy Ran Hongxue, and behind him were all the court officials. As well as the heads of the major families, the heads of the Jun family, the Luo family, and the Ye family are naturally among them.

Looking at the figures of Gu Fenghua and others approaching from far and near, everyone showed gratified and proud smiles, and the common people crowded behind cheered loudly.

Seeing this scene, Gu Fenghua and the others couldn't help but burst into tears. They finally fulfilled their promise and did not disappoint their relatives. At this moment, they only felt that all the efforts they put in and all the pain they endured were worthwhile. It's all worth it in return.

Accompanied by His Majesty the Emperor, Gu Fenghua and his entourage came to the palace to attend a celebration banquet specially held for them.

During the banquet, the cups and cups were intertwined, all the officials in the court and the heads of the major families toasted to Gu Fenghua one after another, even His Majesty the Emperor was no exception.

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