My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 885 It's healthier to abuse

These days, while teaching Gu Zihan to practice, Gu Fenghua himself has not been idle. Actual combat is the best shortcut to improve your cultivation. With Ye Wuse and Bai Fatty's advancement, she finally found a suitable opponent, or in other words, found a more worthy opponent. This is the so-called abuse is healthier.

"Again..." The faces of Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai instantly turned bitter.

When they were first promoted to the realm of soul saints, both of them had high self-confidence. When Gu Fenghua once again mentioned that they wanted to fight against them, both of them were full of ambition and eager to try. How terrible.

In the past, because their strength was too weak, Gu Fenghua still had some reservations, but with the improvement of their cultivation, Gu Fenghua no longer had any worries, no reservations, so when she wanted to shoot 360 degrees in all directions without dead ends Under the abuse of all kinds of tricks, they finally know what it means to be immortal and what it means to regret.

"Your cultivation is improving too fast. Although the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man can change your state of mind, it can't temper your muscles and bones. If you don't do more actual combat, your body will not be able to keep up with the improvement of cultivation, and the gap It will get bigger and bigger, maybe the next time your cultivation level advances by leaps and bounds will be the day when your bones will be broken." Gu Fenghua pulled out his long sword and said seriously.

Her words are not alarmist, but the truth.

She had discovered long ago that although Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai had improved their cultivation, their physical defense, toughness, and reaction had not reached the corresponding level. If this continues, sooner or later they will suffer instead. She also thought for a long time before she thought of the reason.

Entering the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man, the mind is empty and enlightened, just like enlightenment, one day of practice is equivalent to a year of ordinary people's practice, but it is always only the improvement of the state of mind and spirit, and the body will not change accordingly.

If you want your body's defense, toughness, and reaction to keep up with the improvement of your cultivation, you must hone it through continuous actual combat.

Strangely, such a situation did not happen to her herself. Even though she also greatly improved her cultivation by relying on the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man, her body did not lag behind at all, as if her body had endless potential. In order to improve, the potential is also released simultaneously.

Thinking of this, Gu Fenghua was even more sure that his physique was indeed different. It was no wonder that only he could practice the skills and sword skills taught by his brothers. No matter how talented others were, no matter how hard they worked, it would be difficult for others to master them.

"We know what you said, but aren't you tired?" The fat man said with a bitter face.

He was also aware of his own shortcomings, and knew that Gu Fenghua was doing it for his own good, but that was no tempering, it was clearly ruthless torture, ruthless destruction.

"As a best friend, it doesn't matter if I'm a little tired." Gu Fenghua said with a sigh, with a face full of duty.

Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai rolled their eyes at the same time, of course it doesn't matter to you, we are the ones suffering anyway.

"Okay, let's start." No longer talking nonsense with them, Gu Fenghua smiled and lifted up the divine sword wrapped with thick silk cloth.

In the yard, the screams of Ye Wuse and Fatty Bai were soon heard.

"Oh, poor Mr. Jun, poor Mr. Ye." Outside the courtyard, two maidservants passing by sighed, saying pitiful, but their expressions were unusually calm, and there was even a hint of a smile at the corners of their mouths. Such tragedies are repeated every day, or more than once, and they have long been used to it.

When Gu Tianci walked into the yard, the duel between Gu Fenghua and the others had ended.

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