My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 898 I underestimated them again

"I pondered for a long time before I realized that the ancestral exercises of our Luo family are actually complementary to the weapon refining technique. It's fine if it's not used for weapon refining. It's no different from other cultivation techniques, but once it's used Alchemy is incompatible with fire and water." Patriarch Luo explained in detail.

Only then did Gu Fenghua and others know that the Luo family started out with the art of refining weapons, and the Luo family's kung fu has such mysteries.

"So, our Luo family's art of refining weapons must be very powerful." Luo Enen said excitedly. In any case, this was the glory of the Luo family. As a descendant of the Luo family, she was of course proud of it.

"Of course, the art of refining weapons of our Luo family is learned from Gui Yezi. You must have never heard of this person, but it is said that everyone who saw his art of refining weapons in the past respected him Grandmaster." Patriarch Luo also looked proud.

"What!" Gu Fenghua and the others were shocked again.

Indeed, as Patriarch Luo said, even thousands of years ago, not many people knew about Gui Yezi, and now, even fewer people know about him. Unfortunately, Gu Fenghua Several people are among them.

"Could it be that you have also heard of the name of Patriarch?" Seeing the surprised expressions on Gu Fenghua's faces, Patriarch Luo asked suspiciously.

I remember that when he mentioned the soul qi pill earlier, Gu Fenghua and the others just laughed. He didn't know why at the time, but later he found out that the soul qi pill that pushed himself to death, and even almost pushed his precious daughter into the fire pit, was right. It was nothing to them at all, and now that the patriarch Gui Zhizi was mentioned, they laughed so strangely again, most likely, they underestimated them again.

"It's not just that I've heard that Fenghua's alchemy furnace was made by the patriarch himself." Luo Enen said triumphantly.

In fact, Gu Fenghua's Yaomu tripod has nothing to do with her, but whenever something related to Gu Fenghua is mentioned, she feels honored and can't help but want to show off.

Gu Fenghua didn't hide it either, and took out the Yaomu cauldron directly.

"That's right, that's right! This is the unique method of the patriarch. My Luo family still has a few magic tools passed down by the patriarch. Although they have been in disrepair for a long time and cannot be used, the method is exactly the same." Seeing the monster wood tripod, Patriarch Luo's eyes were shining brightly, and his fingers were trembling slightly as he stroked the runes carved on the Yaomu cauldron.

In fact, those so-called magic tools were just refined by Guizhizi when he was instructing his disciples. Even though they have been discarded for many years, they are regarded as treasures by the descendants of the Luo family and passed on from generation to generation. How could he not be excited when he saw such a superb refining skill in a pill furnace all of a sudden.

"Hey, it seems that this alchemy furnace has not been refined yet?" After a while, Patriarch Luo regained his composure and said with some doubts.

Although the Luo family's art of refining weapons has been lost for many years, as the head of the Luo family and the president of the Luo family's chamber of commerce, his eyesight is not bad, and he quickly saw that the pill furnace was incomplete and damaged, not It is man-made, but the refining process is not perfect.

Hearing what he said, Gu Fenghua also felt a little strange.

It stands to reason that after obtaining the spirituality of the demon soul wood, this pill furnace has been promoted to a divine weapon, but why is it still so dilapidated and old?

Unless Gui Yezi's aesthetics is really too special, there is no need to refine a good artifact into this.

Could it be that, even with the spirituality of the demon soul wood and being promoted to a divine weapon, this alchemy furnace has not really been completed?

"Fenghua, where did you find this alchemy furnace?" Gu Fenghua was thinking wildly, when Patriarch Luo asked again.

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