My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 910 Are you looking down on me?

Fortunately, hard work paid off, and finally, her holy energy condensed into a thin line captured a strange aura, which made Gu Fenghua's unimaginable thing happen again. No matter how she stimulated the holy aura, the weird aura None of them changed at all, that is to say, she couldn't rely on holy energy to clear them away.

Constantly concentrating his spiritual thoughts, Gu Fenghua felt a stabbing pain in his head, and his control over the holy energy became much weaker. The strange energy that he had managed to capture was rushing left and right, and he was about to flee bondage. As soon as Gu Fenghua gritted his teeth, a trace of phoenix power surged along with the holy energy, once again firmly restraining the strange energy, but even the power of the phoenix couldn't remove it.

This time, Gu Fenghua was really helpless.

The tingling pain in my mind became more and more intense, as if the whole brain was about to split open. Gu Fenghua knew that he couldn't hold on any longer, otherwise he would fall down if he was not rescued.

But it was so hard to catch that strange qi. It would be a pity if she let it go like this. She gritted her teeth and simply withdrew the holy qi and the power of the phoenix. The strange Qi machine was taken back together.

Even though he was tightly bound by the power of the phoenix, Gu Fenghua could still feel that his holy spirit root was a bit sluggish the moment this energy entered the meridians. Gu Fenghua's sweaty face was also In an instant, the blood color was a little less.

"Fenghua, what's the matter with you?" Luo Enen had been paying attention to Gu Fenghua, and when she noticed the change in her face, she asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, just now the spiritual sense was exhausted too much, just take a rest." Gu Fenghua said that he took the holy pill, and his face quickly returned to normal. After all, that strange energy was wrapped in the power of the Phoenix, so it wouldn't cause any real harm to her. Even if there was a little impact, taking the Holy Pill would be enough to make up for it.

"Is Uncle Fang and Elder Xie still rescued?" Luo Enen asked nervously after her face returned to normal and she was relieved.

Not only her, Xie Youran, Fang Tianyou and others also looked at her expectantly.

Gu Fenghua did not answer this question lightly. Judging from the current situation, the aura that invaded Fang Shibo and Xie Huaiyuan's Holy Spirit root was too weird. Not only could the aura be activated to remove it, but even the power of the phoenix could not do anything about it. It is difficult to save them.

However, since she was able to restrain that force with the holy air and the power of the phoenix, as long as she put in more effort, even if she couldn't completely cure the two of them, there should still be a chance to save their lives. Of course, in this way, she will take a lot of risks herself.

Thinking of Xie Huaiyuan and Fang Shibo's concern for him, Gu Fenghua still made a quick decision, no matter how big the risk is, he must do his best to save him.

"If it's so easy to save, why would you ask me to come?"

Gu Fenghua was about to tell his plan to reassure Xie Youran, Fang Tianyou and others for a while, when an arrogant snort came from behind him. An old man with white beard and hair, accompanied by Ding Qinghe and surrounded by a group of saints, came to the front.

"Elder Ding, since you invited me to heal Master Fang and Elder Xie, why did you invite someone else? Could it be that you look down on me?" The old man glanced at Gu Fenghua and said displeasedly.

If people from the Xinghua Temple rushed to the doctor for their illnesses, it would be fine to invite other so-called medical masters, but to invite such a young girl, isn't it clear that he is compared with this little girl? For him, this is simply a humiliation.

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