"If it's for the sake of the country's rise and fall, I, Qiu Mingxuan, will not hesitate even if I die, but knowing her sinister intentions, how can I make her happy? The reason why I gave up the competition is to expose her plot and let the world know what she wants." See her true face, so that everyone in the world can be treated with justice!" Qiu Mingxuan originally didn't dare to face Gu Fenghua and the others, but at this time, being forced to come forward by Old Man Tianquan, he could only tell Old Man Tianquan once. Say the words again, the more you are familiar with the road, the more you speak, the more smoothly you speak, and at the end, pointing at Gu Fenghua and scolding with righteous words, "Gu Fenghua, I never thought of competing with you for the title of No. 1 in Xinghua, I have never thought of inheriting the position of head of Lingtian Academy. If you want it, I will let you do it, but why did you resort to such despicable and shameless means? For the sake of a little fame, you actually put the country's prosperity at risk, Are you worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth, and worthy of Xinghua's hundreds of millions of people?"

After hearing Qiu Mingxuan's upright reprimand, all the saints around were completely stunned, even Ding Qinghe and Gao Yangbo were no exception.

Because of their identities, they are not able to directly participate in the Shifang Grand Ceremony, so they did not go to watch the battle in person, but they are not deaf, and they cannot listen with their ears if they don’t see it, so the process of the Shifang Grand Ceremony is still clear .

The matter of Qiu Mingxuan's fleeing without a fight had long been publicly discussed. This was not only a shame to him alone, but also a shame to the Qiu family, and even more so to the entire Xinghua country.

I thought that Qiu Mingxuan would never be able to make his mark after doing such a shameful thing, but he didn't expect him to put all the responsibility on Gu Fenghua, and dare to accuse Gu Fenghua of disregarding the country's prosperity.

Of course, they wouldn't believe Qiu Mingxuan's nonsense. Don't they know who Gu Fenghua is? How could she do such despicable and shameless things.

Besides, Gu Fenghua's strength in cultivation, and that medical alchemy that is better than blue in his hand, is better than Qiu Mingxuan by how many times. In front of her, Qiu Mingxuan is not even qualified to carry shoes, she has to go Conspiracy against him? Is it necessary to compete with him?

Gu Fenghua didn't think it was a waste of brains, they all thought it was a waste of brains.

"Qiu Mingxuan, have you lost your mind? You can say such shameless words?" Gu Fenghua looked at Qiu Mingxuan like an idiot.

"If you hadn't fled without a fight, why would His Highness the Ninth Prince bet his life, and why would we have an extra match? In order to win that match, Fenghua almost lost his life. How dare you still dare to sue the wicked first? Put all the responsibility on Fenghua, do you have any sense of shame!" Luo Enen cursed even more angrily.

"There's nothing wrong with accusing you of any crime. You're already working together, so naturally you're going to face her." Qiu Mingxuan said disapprovingly. Anyway, it's already reached this point, and he is willing to go all out.

"Senior Tianquan, the public is right and the woman is right. I can't tell the right and wrong for a while. Why don't you heal the wounds of the Hall Master and Elder Xie first, and then we will find out the right and wrong." Ding Qinghe tried to smooth things over. Said.

Only now did he know why Qiu Mingxuan did such shameless things, and old man Tianquan still brought him by his side, so he believed his words.

He wouldn't believe a word of Qiu Mingxuan's words, but now that saving people is the most important thing, he doesn't want to keep entangled in this matter.

Anyway, justice is at ease, what is the truth of the matter, isn't there Zhang Haoran and Lin Hanyi who can testify, and wait until Master Fang and Elder Xie are cured, and then slowly investigate.

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