Just when Gu Fenghua was overjoyed, old man Tianquan stood up again.

"Master, be careful." Seeing that the old man Tianquan's feet were still a little vain, Qiu Mingxuan quickly grabbed his arm.

"Is this old man good at all?" Seeing this, finally a young Shengxiu couldn't help asking.

"Nonsense, if you want to do it, as for the injury like this, the wall is about to be knocked down by him." Shengxiu curled his lips and said.

"I heard him bragging just now, and I thought it was a big deal, but it turns out that's all he can do."

"What old man Tianquan is, so he's just an old braggart."

"It seems that Senior Sister Fenghua is right. There are indeed many people who are arrogant and self-righteous in this matter." Some people thought of Gu Fenghua's previous words and nodded thoughtfully.

"Shhh, don't even talk about it. It doesn't hurt to hit someone, and it doesn't hurt to scold someone. After all, other people are so old, respect the old and love the young, you know, he can be shameless himself, but we have to show him face." A kind-hearted and simple-minded female saint, Xiu Xiu, was exactly the gossip girl who was valued by the palace master.

Ding Qinghe and Gao Yangbo are both black lines at one end. If you want to respect the old and love the young, you should say it earlier. Is it still useful to say it now? You still have face, do you know that it is even more embarrassing when you say this?

"Go away." With a dark face, old man Tianquan pushed Qiu Mingxuan aside, and then continued to walk towards Fang Shibo.

Although the voices of those young saints were not loud, they were still heard clearly in his ears, especially the last sentence.

Old man Tianquan was so angry that he wanted to jump, but he also knew that no one else was to blame for this, if he hadn't boasted beforehand, he wouldn't have provoked such ridicule. He knows one thing better, if Fang Shibo and Xie Huaiyuan cannot be cured today, his old face will be completely lost.

After a few steps, he came to Fang Shibo's side, and he made his handprint again.

"Senior Tianquan, why don't you rest for a while before talking." Ding Qinghe and Gao Yangbo urged in unison.

They figured it out, the old man was probably incapable of treating the lord of the palace, Elder Xie, and he was just trying to save face at this time, if he tried again, his fate would be even worse than before.

Thinking about his previous domineering and rudeness, they certainly didn't bother to care about his life and death, but the Lord Hall Master and Xie Huaiyuan were seriously injured, and they were already relying on their lives to support them. It's not worth the candle if they lose their lives.

"Shut up, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Seeing me miss a few times, you're probably laughing so hard." Old Man Tianquan finally found a chance to vent his anger, and roared angrily at the two of them.

Ding Qinghe and Gao Yangbo smiled wryly. Of course they knew that the reason why old man Tianquan was so angry was because of the sarcasm around him, but it was no wonder they had their mouths on other people, so they could control them for a while. Can't control other people's life.

Besides, if you hadn't uttered wild words yourself, but you failed one after another, who would dare to say that you are half wrong, if you want to blame, you don't blame yourself.

"The two elders don't need to persuade you any more. Anyway, he only has this trick. He wants to let him try it anyway, so as not to push all the responsibility for the failure on us." Gu Fenghua said suddenly.

When it came to shifting responsibility, she naturally looked at Qiu Mingxuan with a sarcasm on her face.

"What did you say?" Elder Tianquan couldn't understand the sarcasm in her words, and glared at Gu Fenghua.

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