"I'm planning to do something good and bury you." Loenen said confidently. Since the person is not dead, she is completely relieved, and has resumed her carefree manner, and when it comes to this matter, the other party owes them a favor, and she has nothing to feel guilty about.

"Bury me?" The young man looked at Lornen warily.

"That's what happened. Just now we saw you lying on the ground without a sound. We thought you were dead." Gu Fenghua was afraid that he might misunderstand, so he explained.

"What's dead, I just fell asleep." The young man muttered, looked up, slapped his head violently, and exclaimed, "When did I fall, why didn't I know?"

After speaking, he flew up, took off the belt hanging on the tree branch, and tied it up.

Both Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen were covered in cold sweat. How deeply this person must have slept. He was completely unconscious after falling from such a high place. Could it be that this is the legendary sleeping god!

Although they couldn't figure out how it was possible for someone to sleep so deeply in the world, they could all see one thing. This guy's cultivation was unfathomable, and he was by no means inferior to them. He might have had a nosebleed from being trampled on by Lornen.

"Since you are fine, let's take our leave." Gu Fenghua said.

She was still thinking about the little jade rabbit, and she had no time to waste time on him, and she always felt that this person was weird all over, and she didn't want to get too entangled with him.

"Wait." The young man suddenly stopped the two of them and said pitifully, "Do you have anything to eat? I'm starving to death."

"Yes, you wait first." Gu Fenghua stopped, thought for a while and said. After chasing for several days and nights, except for a few mouthfuls of dry food and water occasionally, she and Lornen didn't eat anything, and they were a little hungry.

Anyway, I have to eat, so let's treat him to some by the way, as to make up for Lonen's heavy feet. Thinking of the figure of Miss Luo jumping high and falling heavily, Miss Gu felt her nose was a little sore, and she felt some sympathy for this young man from the bottom of her heart.

After finishing speaking, Gu Fenghua took out the barbecue grill and various condiments.

"Haha, you're lucky." Seeing this, Luo Enen said excitedly. Gu Fenghua's barbecue is the best in the world, but because Fatty Bai's cooking skills are also rare in the world, he usually cooks, and there are very few opportunities to taste Gu Fenghua's cooking skills.

Without Gu Fenghua's instructions, Luo Enen took the initiative to pick up dry firewood and come back, and lit a bonfire. Gu Fenghua also took out the hare that had been washed and peeled, and marinated it with seasoning. Anyway, her space bracelet is big enough, and it is always empty, so she brought a lot of food in it, both raw and cooked.

The young man stretched his neck, as if he was very curious about what Gu Fenghua was doing.

"Do you usually cook this way?" After watching for a while, the young man asked.

"Of course not. Barbecuing meat like this will save trouble when going out, and it will have a different taste. Of course, it's still fried, steamed and stewed at home." Although he felt that the question he asked was inexplicable, Gu Fenghua still answered casually.

"What is stir-frying, steaming and stewing?" the young man asked enthusiastically.

"Have you never seen cooking?" Gu Fenghua couldn't help asking.

"I haven't seen it." Young replied.

"Then what do you usually eat?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"It's all done by others and served on the table. I don't know how they do it?" The young man said rationally.

Gu Fenghua figured it out, this guy is a master who stretches out his clothes for food and opens his mouth for food. Fortunately, she thought he had a bleak life before, ah, bah.

Let's explode tomorrow. Seeking all kinds of support, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, full-star praise, please everyone, thank you~

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