My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 948 Poor Wronged Little Rabbit

But before they could ask any questions, the young man gently stroked the crystal-clear fluff of the little jade rabbit, and said in a showy manner: "This is my demon pet, named Xiaoxue, why is she so obedient and cute?"

"Yeah, well behaved and cute." Gu Fenghua and the two nodded and said, but there was a chill in their hearts. His fingers were so gentle and full of affection, as if what he was holding in his palm was not a rabbit, but his first love that deeply rooted him and made him unable to extricate himself.

And this little Jade Rabbit, who was almost so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, no longer had the mischievousness before, squinting his eyes and laying on his palm, how cute and cute it was! cute.

Pretend! Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen can be sure that this guy must have put on such a docile and pleasant appearance, blinding everyone's eyes.

"Xiaoxue, I haven't eaten well these days, you are too hungry, come and eat some, I have never eaten such delicious food when I grow up." The young man said softly, and gnawed on the remaining half of the chicken. The baked rabbit passed it over.

Gu Fenghua was about to remind her that it was a roasted rabbit, and it was of the same kind, but before she could open her mouth, this guy opened his three-petal mouth with lightning speed, and gnawed down his two front teeth.

Immediately, its two ruby-like eyes lit up, holding the roasted hare in its two paws, it started to gnaw wildly, and there was a clicking sound in its mouth.

It seems that Gu Fenghua's barbecue skills are not only suitable for all ages, but also suitable for both humans and animals. It is very suitable for the taste of the little jade rabbit, and even the skeleton is chewed to pieces by it. Of course, this also proves that its teeth are really good.

Gu Fenghua and the two were stunned. Don't rabbits eat grass? Why does this guy eat meat so happily? More importantly, doesn't he know that he is eating the same kind?

After thinking about it, Gu Fenghua felt that there was a possibility. The young man in front of him stretched out his hands to eat and opened his mouth. He didn't even go into the kitchen. How could he know what he was eating? The little jade rabbit is petite and probably hasn't grown up yet. He was domesticated by him since he was a child, and he has never seen such a low-level kind at all, let alone such a low-level kind that has been ripped apart, washed and stripped clean, so how can he know what the same kind of smell is like.

Soon, the little half of the roasted hare was eaten up by the little Jade Rabbit, and there was nothing left. The little guy obviously didn't want to finish it, and he licked his lips and looked at the young man eagerly.

"Can you give me another one?" the young man asked Gu Fenghua, scratched his head after asking, and said embarrassingly, "It eats a lot, and it likes to eat meat the most, but this time when I'm out, I don't know what to eat." I don’t know how to cook, so I have to let him eat Dan with me, and I feel sorry for him.”

Both Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen have black lines on their foreheads, do you still feel wronged if you eat Dan? Is meat very valuable? Do you know how many holy masters in this world would even cut their own flesh in order to get the Holy Pill? If you feel wronged, others might as well hang them all on the tree and hang them to death.

"Isn't it possible?" Seeing that Gu Fenghua didn't speak, the young man thought she was unwilling, looked at the two hares roasting on the bonfire, and swallowed.

The little jade rabbit lay on his lap, and looked at Gu Fenghua eagerly, with tears in his eyes, how pitiful and aggrieved he was.

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