"What's the big deal, it's ungrateful and ungrateful to wipe it out so quickly." Luo Enen said dissatisfied.

"It doesn't seem to be the meaning of eating dry and wiping clean. Enen, listen to me and read more books." Gu Fenghua said to the uneducated Miss Luo, "Also, don't you think there is something wrong with him? "

After listening to Gu Fenghua's words, Luo Enen took a closer look, and sure enough, although Xia Qingfan was sitting upright on the rabbit's back, her body was undulating and floating, as if she might fall off the rabbit at any time.

"What happened to him?" Lonen asked suspiciously.

"I think he probably fell asleep again, so he probably didn't hear a word of what you just said." Gu Fenghua shook his head and said.

Looking at Xia Qingfan's back again, both of them were full of admiration. They had just slept twice, and they fell asleep so quickly again, and they were still on the back of a galloping rabbit. They really were gods of sleep.

Although Xia Qingfan didn't take the Promise Trial too seriously, for Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, it was an imminent matter, and they didn't care about filling their stomachs, so they went back to Xinghua temple. Of course, it is impossible to pass through the restriction as before. The two can only go to Yaoshan Village outside Jialuo Mountain and return to the temple through the teleportation formation.

Because of Xia Qingfan's instructions, the two of them didn't dare to say anything. They went directly to Shengjia Peak to find Fang Shibo, and invited Xie Huaiyuan, Ding Qinghe, Gao Yangbo, Fatty Bai, Jun Lansheng, and Xie Youran. People were also called over by them, and by the way, there was Fang Tianyou, who was originally at Shengjia Peak.

"Fenghua, for calling us here so urgently, could it be that something urgent happened to Xinghua Country?" After everyone arrived, Fang Shibo asked in puzzlement.

Gu Fenghua's status in the Xinghua Temple is very special now, even the hall master and several elders dare not treat her as a junior, so she comes and goes whenever she wants, and often exchanges letters with Xinghua. Knowing what happened in Xinghua Kingdom is not surprising.

"No, it has nothing to do with Xinghua Kingdom." Gu Fenghua directly took out a jade plaque.

"The Promise Trial Order!" Fang Shibo and the others exclaimed at the same time.

Although it has been nearly a thousand years since the last Promise Trial, except for the oldest Ding Qinghe, the others have never seen the Promise Trial Token, but they have seen pigs run without eating pork. In front of them, they immediately recognized it.

"Where did you get this token?" After being surprised, Fang Shibo looked at Gu Fenghua in confusion.

Gu Fenghua briefly told about Xia Qingfan's previous encounter, and they suddenly realized.

When Gu Fenghua handed over the trial orders belonging to Xie Youran and Fang Tianyou to them, Xie Huaiyuan and Fang Shibo were very pleased. Shengtian chooses to participate in the trial. If he passes the trial, he can go to Wuji Shengtian and embark on the path of cultivation that belongs to the real strong.

"By the way, where is the place of this trial?" After a while, Fang Shibo calmed down his excitement and asked.

"This Xia Qingfan didn't say anything. He only said that we should arrive at the ancient city of Mingsha within a month. By the way, where is the ancient city of Mingsha?" Gu Fenghua said.

She had no impression of the ancient city of Mingsha, and originally wanted to ask Xia Qingfan, but that guy left and slept as soon as he said, and never gave her a chance to speak.

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