My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 958 This young monkey master has a lot of eyes

"I have already inquired about many elites from various countries who participated in the trial this time, and I have sent people to contact them in advance. This time, I want to take revenge on the Nether Sand poster! Even if I don't take her life, I will let her die." Cultivation is ruined, future is ruined, hahahaha..." Tang Junhou laughed out loud with a murderous look.

For each Promise Trial, although the participants were told not to publicize it, it was not strictly kept secret. With the power of the Tang family, it was not too difficult to inquire about it, and it was not difficult to win over these people.

You must know that most of the people who participated in the trial would not be able to pass, and they would still have to stay in Tianji Continent in the end. For the sake of the future, they would naturally not reject the young master of the Tang family's beckoning.

Tang Xiyi couldn't help but take another look at Tang Junhou, only to realize that he had always underestimated this young master. Don't look at him usually wearing strange clothes and not doing his job, but he is no worse than anyone else when he plays tricks.

It's a pity that I have been kept in the dark, and I am secretly worried about him, but I don't know that he has enlisted a group of helpers early on, so I don't need to worry about it.

Of course, Gu Fenghua is even more pitiful. I'm afraid she would never have imagined that Tang Junhou had already plotted against her before the trial even started. This trial is a road to no return for her at all. .

Amidst Tang Junhou's loud laughter, the carriage sped away all the way. And in the mainland countries, there are also many young elites who are related or not related to Gu Fenghua in the major temples, rushing to the same destination.


Worried about missing the time, Gu Fenghua and the others arrived at Mingsha Ancient City three days earlier than the limited one month.

The ancient city wall has been eroded by wind and rain, and it has already been riddled with holes. From a distance, it is no different from the sand dunes that are common in the Gobi. If it is not for a flagpole made of fine iron, the flag flutters in the wind, and the letter " "Mingsha City" in big characters, Gu Fenghua couldn't believe it, this is Mingsha City.

A section of the old city wall collapsed, revealing a big incomplete hole, probably the former city gate, and a group of people just lined up to enter the city through the city gate.

There are men and women in these people. Although they are all wearing saint robes, their styles are slightly different. They should be elite saint masters from different countries in the mainland.

A middle-aged man in a white robe was standing on the side of the city gate, with his hands behind his back, looking at the trial tokens of several subordinates for checking each person. This person is about forty-five or sixteen years old. Although he is not very old, he carries an awe-inspiring arrogance that seems to come from his blood, and there is a sense of majesty in the upper class.

Although the people who came to participate in the trial were elites from all over the world, all of them were geniuses among geniuses, but they all had a kind of awe from the bottom of their hearts for Wuji Shengtian. Talk nonsense, for fear of offending the middle-aged man.

Gu Fenghua and the others also lined up at the back of the line and moved forward.

"You are Yang Anwen?" At this time, a young man took a token, flipped through it a few times, and then looked at the bearded man in front of him. Just as he was about to let it go, the middle-aged man said suddenly.

"Reporting to my lord, it is Yang Anwen who is next to me." The bearded man replied calmly.

"Do you think that as long as I grow a beard like this, I won't be able to tell?" the middle-aged man smiled coldly.

"I don't know what your lord is talking about?" The bearded man looked at the other party suspiciously, but panic was already showing in his eyes.

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