My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 961 With his backing, he can run amok

Tang Junjun took a deep look at Gu Fenghua, with the corners of his mouth raised, showing a sneering sneer, he didn't say much, and led a group of young Shengxiu who looked like followers to pass by, and walked towards Gong Yuanhong.

"Uncle Gong Shi, it's getting late, why don't you let my nephew be the host, how about treating Uncle Gong Shi to have a few drinks?" Tang Junhou said to Gong Yuanhong with a smile on his face.

"Alright." Gong Yuanhong nodded, and walked towards the city accompanied by Tang Junhou and the others.

When passing by Gu Fenghua and the others, he looked at them meaningfully.

Gu Fenghua and the others subconsciously stopped, and their hearts sank slightly.

Originally thought that Tang Junhou's words were just a bluff, and he wanted to make some face for the last setback and go back. Gu Fenghua and the others didn't take it seriously. Who knew that he was so close to Gong Yuanhong. It seems that what he said Not necessarily just talk.

"It's not good to offend anyone. How can you offend Tang Junhou? You'll suffer a lot." Not far away, a young saint in his thirties lowered his head and muttered.

"Is Tang Junhou amazing?" Gu Fenghua asked pretending to be dismissive.

"Shhh, you just came here, so you don't know something?" The holy master made a silent gesture, looked around cautiously, and said.

"What's the matter?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"It is said that Gong Yuanhong's grandfather was originally a saint teacher in our Tianji Continent, and later passed the Wuji Trial to go to Wuji Holy Heaven, and he happened to be born in the Southern Tang Kingdom. The Tang family is considered a family friend.

As soon as Tang Junhou came to Mingsha City, he had a relationship with him. With his backing, Tang Junhou is now running amok in Mingsha City. A few days ago, I was beaten up by them just for talking casually, and I was almost kicked out of Mingsha City. Can you end well if you offend him? ? "The holy master touched his cheek and said with lingering fear.

After hearing his words, Gu Fenghua and the others were all surprised. They really didn't expect that the Tang family and Gong Yuanhong would have such a friendship. Tang Junhou's words were really not a bluff.

"It's better for you to take care of yourself. In my opinion, don't participate in the trial at all. With Tang Junhou as a hindrance, you probably don't want to pass the trial. If you fail, you will have to die." The student of the holy teacher Fearing that disaster would come out of his mouth again, he quickly ran away after saying this.

At this time, other people also verified their identity one after another, and walked towards the city, but when they passed by Gu Fenghua and the others, they all quickened their pace, and deliberately kept their distance, avoiding them like a plague god.

Although they didn't hear what the holy master said just now, they witnessed the confrontation between Tang Junhou and Gu Fenghua, and the closeness between them and Gong Yuanhong, so naturally no one wanted to have anything to do with them relation. Everyone understands the reason why a fire at the city gate will affect the fish in the pond.

"I'm sorry, I've troubled everyone." Lonen said distressedly.

If it wasn't for her marriage, how could Gu Fenghua offend Tang Junhou? Although that monkey hasn't done anything yet, but he is also a member of the family, how could they not understand his thoughts? Qiu, never let it go like this, this Promise Trial will definitely not be as easy as they expected.

"What are you thinking about so much? Even if he has Gong Yuanhong's backing, so what? I don't believe that he can really cover the sky with one hand. The Promise Trial only happens once in hundreds or even thousands of years. I think the Promise Saint Heaven also attaches great importance to this trial. Gong Yuanhong is domineering on the surface, but in fact he has a sense of propriety, so it is impossible to act recklessly." Gu Fenghua said indifferently.

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