My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 964 It's not so easy to hit Gu Fenghua and the others in the face

Therefore, Tang Junhou smiled even more proudly. Although such cynicism will not bring substantial harm to Gu Fenghua and the others, nor will it achieve the purpose of revenge and blood hatred, but being able to slap them in the face in front of so many people makes them feel ashamed. I still feel happy in my heart.

"I'm sorry, we don't offer discounts or credit, but if you have any rare flowers, grasses and natural materials, you can also convert them into taels of silver." The innkeeper still maintained a professional smile, but his expression was much colder.

While talking, he handed over a booklet that marked the converted prices of various exotic flowers, herbs, natural materials, and earthly treasures.

Gu Fenghua and the others only glanced a few times before shaking their heads secretly. This kind of price is much lower than that of the major chambers of commerce. Take the morning dew green pistil flower as an example. The price given by the major chambers of commerce is at least 300,000 taels per plant. Here it is only 20,000, even 10% The price is not even below the price, it is obviously just sitting on the ground and raising the price, which is a blatant deception.

"In addition, if you have a good holy elixir, you can also convert it into silver taels." The shopkeeper added. In fact, looking at the expressions of a few people, he knew that even if the other party had good exotic flowers, rare herbs, natural materials, and earthly treasures, he would definitely be reluctant to show them. This sentence was just mentioned casually.

"Can Shengdan also be used?" Gu Fenghua's eyes lit up and he asked.

"It must be soul grade or above, and it must be heaven grade." The shopkeeper yawned and said, obviously not believing that Gu Fenghua and the others could come up with any decent heaven grade elixir. Then again, in the Tianji Continent, how many people can casually take out the holy pill of the heavenly rank soul product?

But hearing his words, Tang Junhou was slightly taken aback.

"Can you still use the holy pill to convert silver taels to pay for the house? Why don't I know?" Tang Junhou asked.

"The shopkeeper seems to have mentioned something, but you didn't pay attention." Tang Xiyi said.

Tang Junhou thought about it carefully, and it seems that the shopkeeper vaguely mentioned this sentence when he handed over the money, but he is rich and powerful, the most important thing he lacks is silver, and he is used to spending money like dirt, so he didn't take it seriously at all.

Besides, the majestic young master of the Tang family couldn't even afford the several million dollars to stay in the hotel, and had to sell some rare flowers and herbs to pay for the house. Isn't it a joke to spread the word?

"What's wrong, young master?" Seeing Tang Junhou's strange expression, Tang Xiyi asked in bewilderment.

"No, it's nothing." Tang Junhou shook his head and said, but the previous complacency was no longer on his face.

The Southern Tang Kingdom is far away from the Xinghua Kingdom. Although Tang Xiyi has heard about his loss in the Luo family, he is not clear about the details. He is not familiar with Gu Fenghua's alchemy skills, but Tang Junhou witnessed it with his own eyes. How did Gu Fenghua make the whole sack and take out the heavenly spirit pills? According to Gu Fenghua, those holy pills were all refined by herself.

Tang Junhou suddenly realized that it might not be so easy to slap Gu Fenghua in the face in public today.

"Then please tell me, the shopkeeper, how much are these holy pills worth?" Just like what Tang Junhou saw once, Gu Fenghua directly took out a bulging sack and put it on the counter.

The shopkeeper looked at Gu Fenghua suspiciously. Although the Holy Pills were nothing in Wuji Shengtian, as far as he knew, in the Tianji Continent, even in the major holy halls, there were not as many holy pills as one wanted.

Although these young people who came to participate in the Promise Trial were elites from all over the world, they were still young after all, and it was impossible to have too many holy pills on them.

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