My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 969 I'm looking forward to it even more

Lu Fangyuan's eyes lit up. With his sharp eyesight, it is not difficult to see that although this alchemy furnace looks dilapidated and incomplete, it is full of spirituality, and it is probably a divine weapon. If he still had some doubts about Gu Fenghua before, then now, his confidence is getting stronger and stronger.

Afterwards, Gu Fenghua began to sort out the medicinal materials, and at the same time took the holy pill to restore the power of divine sense that was lost earlier.

Because there are too many medicinal materials used in this recipe, Gu Fenghua arranged them very meticulously, not daring to make the slightest difference in the quantity. It took her more than an hour to finally arrange all the medicinal materials. At this time, her expression Mind has also fully recovered.

This is also the benefit of getting the power of the phoenix, not only the spiritual power has greatly increased, but also the recovery speed is several times faster than before.

After checking it again, Gu Fenghua started to make fingerprints after confirming that it was correct. Compared with before, her expression was more dignified, and the speed of making handprints was obviously much slower.

The aura of heaven and earth circulated quietly, and under the Yaomu cauldron, a flame of nothingness was burning, swaying with Gu Fenghua's handprint.

It really is an artifact! Although he had already guessed it, Lu Fangyuan was still a little surprised, and his heart was even more looking forward to it.

Gu Fenghua put in the herbs one by one while making his fingerprints.

The eyes are slightly condensed, the power of the phoenix is ​​released, and the spiritual thoughts are also explored. Every slight change in the pill furnace is fully reflected in the mind, and even the power of the medicine in it ebbs and flows. Can't hide it from her eyes.

This is also one of the main reasons why she can easily refine the heavenly holy alchemy. No matter how strong the divine sense is, ordinary holy alchemists can only feel the changes on the surface of the herbs and control the furnace fire based on experience, but she It is to directly see the changes in the properties of the medicine, and of course it is even more handy to refine the pill.

Before he knew it, hundreds of medicinal herbs had been thrown into the pill furnace, and bursts of medicinal fragrance filled the air.

Looking at Gu Fenghua's handprints that were swiftly made like flowing clouds and flowing water, looking at the pill fire on the bottom of the furnace that was high and low, strong and weak, bright and dark like elves dancing, and smelling the strong medicinal fragrance, Lu Fangyuan There was a burst of euphoria.

I remember that when he was in Wuji Shengtian, the holy alchemist he invited tried to refine this pill. Speaking of which, which one of those holy alchemists was not above Gu Fenghua, let alone famous? Gu Fenghua is comparable, even if he is well-known in Wuji Shengtian, but at the beginning of refining this pill, all of them are steadfast, and it will take an hour or two just to put in the medicinal herbs. How can Gu Fenghua be so relaxed and comfortable? .

As for Luo Enen and the others, their expressions were still calm. They had already become accustomed to Gu Fenghua's alchemy technique after seeing too much. No matter how complicated the alchemy formula was, it seemed to them a piece of cake, and it was not difficult at all. Looking back at Fenghua.

Everything went well, even much simpler than Gu Fenghua thought, and she felt relaxed.

After a short pause, she continued to make mudras after the melted herb juice was fully mixed.

What was mixed just now was just the juice, but the next step is to fuse the medicinal power. If it is like a general prescription, with one or two herbs as the main and several herbs as supplements, this step is not difficult for her, but this time, it is the fusion of hundreds of herbs, and there is not even a main ingredient. In the second place, all kinds of medicinal effects either complement each other, or restrain and eliminate each other, so the difficulty is naturally increased by a hundred times.

Gathering the spiritual thoughts, using the handprints to control the pill fire under the furnace, the properties of various medicines also began to fuse.

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