The man in black's eyebrows flickered, revealing eight blue holy beads. For Gu Fenghua and others, the eighth rank of Profound Sage can definitely be regarded as a top powerhouse, but it is obviously still unable to compete with the powerhouses of the Heavenly Sacred Realm. The higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to practice, and the greater the gap between different grades, not to mention the difference between Tiansheng and Xuansheng, but a realm.

A majestic palm force burst out from Lu Fangyuan's hand, and the entire space seemed to be at a standstill at this moment. The man in black froze, enveloped by the palm force, and could no longer move forward.

Squeezing his palm inward, his body-protecting aura was instantly shattered.

"Boom." With a bang, the man in black disappeared.

The strong man of the eighth rank of Profound Sage was shattered by a single palm and turned into nothingness. However, just before he died, he slashed towards Gu Fenghua with his sword.

Gu Fenghua was already exhausted at this time, how could he be able to block the sword? Fortunately, Luo Enen and the others finally came to their senses, and at the same time drew out their long swords, and slashed at the sword light.

Although their strength is far from being comparable to that of the man in black, there are so many people after all, Luo Enen, Ye Wuse, Bai Fatty, Xie Youran, Fang Tianyou, five saints in the realm of soul saints shot at the same time However, the power of this sword should not be underestimated.

And the man in black was suppressed by Lu Fangyuan after all, the last sword in his life did not display the strongest sword power of the eighth grade Xuansheng, and after the strike, the man had already turned into nothingness, without the power of the holy spirit Continued to support, the power in the sword continued to fail, and was directly smashed to pieces by their joint sword.

Turbulent streams shot out in all directions, only one flew towards Gu Fenghua.

Luo Enen and the others all breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The power of this turbulent flow is not yet in the realm of a holy spirit. At most, it can only be regarded as the third or fourth rank of a fighting saint, and it is still fading and exhausting. Gu Fenghua is considered a holy spirit It's exhausted, but after being promoted to Soul Sage, the whole body seems to be reborn, and the defense of the body itself far exceeds that of a high-level Saint Master, so how can such a mere turbulence hurt him.

Just about to put away the long sword, but immediately, their expressions all changed again.

The turbulent flow did not fly towards Gu Fenghua, but flew straight towards the alchemy furnace. They suddenly realized one thing, the last strike of the man in black was not aimed at Gu Fenghua at all, but at the pill furnace.

Under the infiltration of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, the Great Dao Kaiyan Pill is being conceived and formed. If there is no accident, it will only be a matter of time before it condenses into a pill, but once this turbulent flow enters the pill furnace, it will definitely break The delicate balance in the pill furnace, all the pill power, will erupt violently like a volcano.

I remember that in the past, Gu Fenghua used the method of frying furnaces to help them improve their cultivation, and he often chose to do it at this moment.

Gu Fenghua's expression also changed. If it was normal, such a turbulent current that was only equivalent to the realm of fighting saints could be dissolved invisible with a wave of her hand, but now that the holy energy is almost exhausted, she has no time to stop it. Can let the turbulent flow blast into the pill furnace.

She stared at the holy pill that was about to completely condense in the furnace with her divine sense, secretly praying for a miracle to happen.

It's a pity that there are so many miracles in the world, just like what Luo Enen and others were worried about. Although the power of this turbulent current is relatively weak, and it is still fading and exhausting after entering the pill furnace, it is still It broke the delicate balance in the alchemy furnace.

A series of chaotic pills seeped out from the almost completely condensed holy pill, and there was an aura of destruction in it.

The entire secret room became silent again. Although there was no abnormality in the pill furnace, everyone felt the aura of destruction, and their hearts became extremely heavy again.

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