My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 975 Can You Be More Shameless?

"From today onwards, I will not take a single cent of your rent. You can stay as long as you like, in as many rooms as you like, and you can live in one yard per person." Lu Fangyuan said with widened eyes.

In fact, Gu Fenghua helped refine Daokai Yandan, he already owed a lot of favors, and it was impossible to collect their rent. Even if we didn't talk about it, everyone should have thought of it, but Luo Enen repeatedly took these six The rent of a million taels of silver was a matter of fact, and he almost didn't help engrave the two profiteers on his forehead, so he had no choice but to speak clearly.

"We still have to participate in the Promise Trial, and we can only stay for four nights at most. You begged us to stay for a few more days and we still don't want to. Besides, don't you think it's boring to live in a yard for one person? It's all empty talk for a long time. "Lonen pouted again.

"From now on, if you go to the Wuji Continent, in any inn that I, Lu Fangyuan, manage, you can stay as long as you want, and as many rooms as you want, I won't take any money, so let's go to the head office." Lu Fangyuan choked on Lorne's neck They were all rough, and said angrily.

He suddenly wondered if he should simply strangle this little girl to death.

"Then can I take someone to live?" Lonen asked.

"Okay." Lu Fangyuan was about to vomit blood from Lorien's blow, and really didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore.

"Okay!" Lonen cheered.

Gu Fenghua and the others looked at Luo Enen with contempt. After all, your father is also the head of the Luo Family, and the Luo Family Chamber of Commerce is one of the most powerful chambers of commerce in the Tianji Continent. Staying in a hotel for a few days will make you happy So, as for?

"When I run out of money in the future, I'll take someone to stay in the hotel and charge him half the price. The money will be endless, hoho... hoho!" Lonen beamed with joy and let out a habitual smirk.

A row of jaws fell to the side one after another, and Gu Fenghua's head was covered in cold sweat. Miss Luo, Miss Luo, you have been arguing for a long time with this idea, no wonder you are so happy, but, can you be more shameless?

Lu Fangyuan opened his mouth, and sweat was streaming down his chubby face. He decided that he must quietly strangle this little girl to death on a dark and windy night, otherwise all the inns he was in charge of would close down sooner or later.

"Shopkeeper Lu, don't take it seriously, she was joking." Gu Fenghua glared at Lonen and said to Lu Fangyuan. She couldn't bear to see the cold sweat that frightened others.

"It's okay, it's okay." Lu Fangyuan said, wiping off his sweat.

Looking at Luo Enen's triumphant appearance, it really doesn't seem like a joke, but Lu Fangyuan also knows that as saints, the most important thing for them is to improve their cultivation, and it is impossible to stay in their own inn all day, so Don't worry too much.

"By the way, Miss Gu, here is a token, please accept it." Lu Fangyuan took out a red gold token and handed it to Gu Fenghua.

Gu Fenghua saw the word Jiuzhou engraved on the token at a glance, and knew that the token was related to the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce. Thinking about it, if he went to Wuji Shengtian in the future, he might ask them for help at any time, so he didn't talk to him. You are polite, put away the token.

"This is the guest order of my Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce. As long as you hold this order, you are equivalent to the guest of our Chamber of Commerce. But you don't have to worry, the guest is just a name, unless it is the moment of the Chamber of Commerce's life and death, there is absolutely no need for you to do anything , but usually if there is anything that needs help, the Jiuzhou Chamber of Commerce will definitely help." Seeing that Gu Fenghua was not shy, Lu Fangyuan secretly admired Gu Fenghua's magnanimity, and explained another sentence.

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