"Then I'm relieved." Lonen patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse were also relieved, even Xie Youran and Fang Tianyou were like this. Although the time was tight on the way here, taking advantage of Fatty Bai's cooking time, Gu Fenghua sometimes spared time to practice with them, and they finally knew why Luo Enen's cultivation progressed so fast.

Under the absolute pain and fear, no matter who they are, their potentials will be stimulated infinitely. For example, the two of them have their potentials stimulated a lot recently, and their cultivation speed is much faster than before.

"By the way, there seems to be something wrong with my cultivation these days, Fenghua, please help me think about what's going on." Luo Enen said.

"We also have some doubts." Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse also said.

After all, the few of them relied on the Zichen Sacred Heart Pill to enter the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man to advance to the rank of Soul Sage. Their cultivation base improved too quickly, and they lost the insight to break through the bottleneck again and again.

For others to be promoted to be a soul sage, it takes a lot of time to break through a bottleneck, continuous hard work, constant thinking, and perception. , there are bound to be many doubts.

"What's the problem?" Gu Fenghua asked quickly. Although she herself has greatly improved her cultivation by relying on the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man, she knows the disadvantages of this, and guesses that most of the problems they mentioned are not problems, just like a paper lantern that can be broken with a single poke, but after all, it is her Best friend, still a little worried.

"It's when the Holy Qi is running, it seems to be a bit stagnant, and I can't feel it normally, but when it comes to life and death, I can't exert my strongest combat power." Luo Enen said.

"This is actually because your divine sense is not strong enough. The higher your cultivation base, the stronger the holy energy. If you want to control the holy energy and exert the strongest combat power, you need stronger divine sense. I remember Among the exercises taught by Feng Lao, there is a special exercise for cultivating spiritual thoughts, which is not complicated, but it is also useful, I will read it to you, listen carefully, and practice hard." Gu Fenghua said Read out the exercises.

Afterwards, Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse also asked Gu Fenghua for advice. Although Xie Youran and Fang Tianyou had never entered the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man, they were able to achieve their current cultivation at a young age. The abundance of cultivation resources is related to the fact that they have taken a large amount of holy pills since they were young. Because they have too little experience, there are also many doubts in their sword skills, but they usually don't pay much attention to it. They were all deeply inspired and asked Gu Fenghua for advice. Gu Fenghua naturally knew everything and said everything.

From the beginning of the trial, the few of them will live and die together, the stronger each other's strength, the greater the benefit to others, how could Gu Fenghua have the slightest selfishness. Of course, Xie Youran and them have had the experience of living and dying side by side, and they have long been close as family members. Fang Tianyou is not bad in nature, and recently he has settled down with them, so she doesn't need to have any selfishness.

While explaining, Gu Fenghua took out the ancient book on sword skills that Feng Lao gave him and demonstrated it to them. Although these sword skills may not be comparable to those of the few of them, but from simple to complex, it is also very beneficial for them to understand their own sword skills.

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