My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 991 Someone wants to attack me?

"Look, I have indeed learned it, right?" Gu Fenghua said to Gui Yezi after finishing the first handprint very quickly.

Speaking of which, the bone-forging method is indeed a bit complicated, but under the supervision of her brothers, she has already laid a solid foundation, and the alchemy technique she has learned has the effect of analogy, so it is not difficult to learn, at least This first center of gravity mudra is without difficulty.

"Well, there is still a little problem, but it's not too big." Gui Yezi finally woke up from the shock, and said vaguely.

"Then have I learned it?" Gu Fenghua refused to let him be so vague, and asked again.

"You've learned it." Although he really didn't want to admit it, but the facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't just talk nonsense and mislead his son.

"Then you can teach me the next step." Gu Fenghua said.

"Don't worry, although you have comprehended it, you are still not proficient enough. To practice my art of refining, the foundation is the most important. Practice hard first, and then you can talk about it when you are proficient." Gui Yezi said with a headache.

To take care of Fenghua's speed, I'm afraid that it won't be long before she learns all of her bottom-of-the-box skills, but she hasn't agreed to her conditions yet, how can she learn so quickly?

Gu Fenghua could hear the prevarication in his words, but he didn't want to give up. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, as if there were a pair of eyes hidden in the darkness, looking in.

monster! Gu Fenghua vaguely sensed the aura of a monster, but this aura is extremely secretive, that is, she, and no one else would be able to detect it.

"It seems that someone has bad intentions for you." Gui Yezi also sensed this aura, and said cheerfully.

He was really worried that Gu Fenghua would hold on to him, and the appearance of this monster just diverted Gu Fenghua's attention.

"Who could it be?" Gu Fenghua pondered secretly, just as he was about to catch this monster and track it down, the breath of that monster suddenly disappeared again.

"Why did you leave so soon?" Gu Fenghua was puzzled.

But not long after, another strange and evil aura came quietly. Although Gu Fenghua had already raised his vigilance after discovering the prying eyes of the monster, he still felt restless at this moment, and his heart was rushing. There was an inexplicable panic, and consciousness gradually became chaotic.

"Be careful!" Gui Yezi's clear voice came from his mind, and Gu Fenghua seemed to wake up immediately, as if he had been slapped in the face.

She only felt that in her heart, the power of the phoenix was burning like a flame, and her mind was no longer affected by that strange aura. Only then did Gu Fenghua realize the benefits of the power of the phoenix, which can protect her mind from evil intentions. I believe that even without Gui Yezi's clear shout, she can still recover quickly.

"As expected of the power of the legendary beast, it is really mysterious and incomparable." Seeing Gu Fenghua's clear and unaffected eyes in an instant, Gui Yezi guessed that it was due to the power of the phoenix, and said with emotion .

"What's going on here?" Gu Fenghua was not complacent, but felt the evil spirit that was quietly pouring in, and asked solemnly.

"The seven-star frightening flag can make people lose their minds and fall into extreme panic." Gui Yezi said.

"Someone wants to attack me?" Gu Fenghua's eyes turned cold. But I can't believe that in this city of Mingsha, there are still people who dare to hurt people at will.

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