"Tell me, is it possible that Gu Fenghua, in a state of confusion, could not bear the extreme panic and drew his sword to kill himself?" Tang Xiyi said.

Tang Junhou's whole body was shocked, and his back was blowing cold air. If Gu Fenghua really committed suicide, the matter would become a big mess. If someone tracked it down, Gong Yuanhong would definitely be to blame, and as an accomplice and the principal offender, he would be doomed even more.

After all, Gong Yuanhong is a member of Wuji Shengtian, and he must have some background to come to Mingsha City to handle matters related to Wuji Trial. Even if he is punished, it should not be too heavy, but he is different. The young master of the aristocratic family, what kind of royal family members, in the eyes of other Wuji Shengtian people, they are nothing, and it would be a strange thing not to die when the time comes.

"Gu Fenghua is also a strong man of the fourth rank of Soul Sage. Maybe he is even higher now, so his will should not be so fragile, right?" Tang Junhou pulled his face with difficulty, and said with a dry smile. Anyone can see that he is strong. Laughter strengthens self-calmness, more precisely, it is self-comforting.

Tang Xiyi and the others looked serious and did not answer this question. They also knew that if Tang Xiyi guessed right, and Gu Fenghua really lost his will and killed himself with a sword, things would never go well, maybe all of their followers would have a dead end. Under such circumstances, who would dare to speak up easily.

There was silence all around, and the atmosphere became extremely dull. Originally, the few people were trying their best to look for bad luck, but at this moment, each of them felt heavy, as if they were crushed by a huge rock.

Before I knew it, another half an hour passed, and there was still no movement in the yard.

"No, we have to go in and see what's going on?" Tang Junhou couldn't wait any longer, this half an hour was simply a painful torment for him.

Tang Xiyi and the others nodded at the same time. They also suffered from the same torment, and also hoped to find the answer as soon as possible.

"Then you go in first, and I'll come later." Tang Junhou said to Tang Xiyi and the others. This kind of risky thing, of course, should be done first by the follower, how can the master take the lead.

Tang Xiyi and the others didn't move at all, they just looked at him with strange eyes.

"What's the matter, don't you dare not listen to my words?" Tang Junhou said with a dark face and displeasure. Suffering in fear for more than an hour, he was so sullen that he had nowhere to vent it.

"Young master, you forgot that we couldn't withstand the power of the magic weapon of the Seven Star Scary Banner," Tang Xiyi explained.

Only then did Tang Junhou realize that the courtyard of Tianzi No. 1 Courtyard and Gu Fenghua's room were filled with the power of the Magical Artifact of the Seven Star Crying Banner, because this time the magic weapon was displayed by his handprints, so it is very important to him. It wasn't harmful, but Tang Xiyi and the others couldn't bear it at all. Once they entered the yard and didn't wait to see the situation clearly, they might have lost their minds.

There was no other way, Tang Junhou had no choice but to turn over and jump over the courtyard wall himself.

It was dark all around, and even though he was not affected by the power of the seven-star frightening flag magic weapon, Tang Junhou still felt chills in his heart.

Although the Tianji Inn's formation can defend against the ghostly sandstorm, it can't resist the cold air at night. After squatting in the corner for so long, Tang Junhou's blood was not smooth and his body was numb. He moved his hands and feet first, and then moved towards Gu Fenghua's Touch the room.

Along the way, there was no sound, and the entire yard was filled with deathly silence.

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