"Oh? Is what she said true?" Gong Yuanhong was slightly taken aback, and asked those subordinates.

"Well, we had been drinking in the canteen in front, and saw her and shopkeeper Lu were there too." Although we could see that the atmosphere was not right, and guessed what Gong Yuanhong's real intention was, they were not the only ones in the canteen just now. , so he can't just talk nonsense.

Gong Yuanhong's complexion suddenly darkened. He thought that if he got Gu Fenghua's handle this time, he would be able to punish her severely, and at worst, he would also abolish her cultivation base and help Tang Junhou out of that. Who knows, she was not here at all, but was drinking in the canteen in front, and her own subordinates testified for her.

"Impossible, you're lying, if it wasn't for you, what would happen to this injury on my body?" Tang Junhou had a ghostly expression on his face.

Facing the beatings and kicks like a storm, he survived, facing the heart-piercing pain, he also survived that, facing the brutal and inhuman ravages, he still survived. The purpose is to pull Gu Fenghua's back, completely destroy her way of cultivation, and let her live in regret for the rest of her life.

Who knew, she wasn't here at all, that is to say, her beating was in vain. No, he never believed it.

"Are you sure you read it correctly?" Gong Yuanhong was a little confused, if it wasn't Gu Fenghua who did it, who else could it be?

"We are sure." The men said honestly.

"Maybe you beat yourself up!" Someone in the crowd suddenly said thoughtfully. Anyone who is eligible to participate in the Promise Trial is not stupid, so it is not surprising to have such a guess.

"I'm an idiot, what are you doing beating yourself up?" Tang Junhou roared furiously, but just jumped a bit, and squatted down with his legs intertwined. , it was difficult to relax for a while.

"Haven't you heard of bitter tricks? In order to frame others, it doesn't matter if you suffer a little bit, but you are really cruel to yourself, and you can do it anywhere, a real man, a good man." The man in the crowd He said disapprovingly, and at the end he sighed twice.

"Fart, you fart!" Tang Junhou was so angry that he wanted to jump again, but he felt the dull pain coming from between his legs, and he endured it again, so wronged that he wanted to cry.

Yes, he was playing tricks, he wanted to frame Gu Fenghua, but he was really beaten by others, not by himself. Who the hell is this? It's so ruthless!

"Aren't there other people living in this yard besides Gu Fenghua? Could it be that they did it?" Hearing that the person in the crowd accidentally revealed the truth, Gong Yuanhong felt a little guilty, and he didn't dare to let him deliberate. He went down and pointed the finger at Lornen and the others.

Looking at the situation in front of him, it is obviously impossible to clean up Gu Fenghua, but if he can get rid of her right and left arm, at least he can vent his anger on Tang Junhou.

"Are you talking about us? We were also drinking in front just now." Luo Enen squeezed into the crowd with two blush on his face, obviously drinking a lot.

Fatty Bai squeezed in along with Ye Wuse, Xie Youran, and Fang Tianyou while gnawing on the chicken leg.

"Ah, where's the pig's head? It's so scary!" When they saw Tang Junhou, they all jumped in place.

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