My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 100 It's Time For Me To Show My Talents.

Coming to the north, Chen Ling got off the plane and was taken into a building with strict guards.

After lunch, Chen Ling followed the staff to a venue.

The venue was full, and there were three or four hundred people in total, some of them were scientists, some were the CEOs of various departments, and some were consultants of the pot rack think tank.

Chen Ling looked around, but he didn't know anyone~.

In fact, when Chen Ling was looking at others, others were secretly observing him. ,

Especially the executive presidents of those departments, although they haven't had much contact with Chen Ling, they know that Chen Ling, some of their sons, have-had been with Chen Ling

But right now is not the time to chat with each other, so everyone didn't talk to Chen Ling.

Soon, several elders entered the venue.

Ka Ka Ka...

After several elders were seated, all the exit doors of the meeting room were closed and the jammer was opened.

"Okay, the next meeting starts, and the content of this meeting is not allowed to take notes. Everything you hear is top secret and must not be disclosed to anyone.

After the Great Elder finished speaking seriously, he asked a young man beside him to give a report.

"Experts and leaders, I am Sun Hao who is in charge of this report meeting. Next, I will explain the various situations that have been sorted out and analyzed by the pot rack during this period." After Sun Hao finished speaking, he pressed the button in his hand.

In an instant, a projection was displayed on the big screen.

"In November last year, a magnitude 9.2 earthquake occurred in Dafan Fashenglishi. In March this year, an earthquake of magnitude 8.9 occurred in Fashenglishi in the mountains between Luotangji and Xinjinshan in Jialifuliya Prefecture. An 8.8-magnitude earthquake occurred in Shenglishi. In July this year, a 9.3-magnitude earthquake occurred in Jia Sijia, University of Malaya. In September this year, an 8.9-magnitude earthquake occurred in Xindeli.

From the locations of these several earthquakes, we can see that the epicenter of the earthquake basically revolves around the Dapingyang volcano earthquake. There is currently no scientific conclusion on why this happened.

However, according to recent research by scientists, the following problems have been discovered. The first problem is the deflection of the earth's rotation angle.

From August last year to September this year, the earth's eccentric angle changed drastically. Normally speaking, the inclination angle of the earth's axis decreases at a rate of about 46.84" per century.

But last year alone, the yellow-red angle did not continue to decrease, but began to increase. The yellow-red angle was 232615.3308" a year ago, and this year's yellow-red angle was 232731.2219".

The second problem is the fracture and melting of the north-south base ice caps.

The huge crack in the picture you see was discovered by the South Base Scientific Expedition Team last month. When the ice cap crack was discovered, the total length of the crack was 11.7 kilometers. Now, the total length of the crack is It is 39.3 kilometers.

Calculated based on the current breaking speed of the cracks, it is expected that after October, it will run through South Island, tearing apart one-third of the South Island ice sheet, including Southwest Island, and this ice sheet will gradually approach Dapingyang with ocean currents. , and then melted.

If this huge ice sheet melts, the global sea level will rise by 22 meters in a short period of time, and most of the coastal cities in our country will become a piece of sunshine.

The third problem is frequent outbreaks of extreme weather and possible ice ages.

Due to the melting of the ice caps in South Africa, the intensity of sunlight reflected by South Africa will drop by several levels, and the global atmospheric environment will undergo large-scale changes. This change is extreme, and the north-south ocean currents will be severely damaged.

Extreme weather will be like a weapon, destroying our homeland, and the most frightening thing is that with the change of the earth's ecliptic angle and the melting of the southern ice cap, it will eventually cause the century-old disaster of atmospheric environment regulation, the ice age, that If so, 80% of the land in the world will be covered by ice and snow.

According to the deduction of the environmental model conducted by Chinese geologists and meteorologists through supercomputers, the extreme severe weather in the world will increase in the next year, the sea level will rise slowly in two years, the sea level will rise by 22 meters in three years, and the atmosphere will rise in four years. The circulation is completely disrupted and the fifth year is unpredictable. "

When Sun Hao left the podium after the report was over, everyone in the venue was still caught in the content of the report just now.

Chen Ling was also confused at this moment.

No wonder this meeting is top secret. If this news gets out, the whole world may be in chaos.

So many disasters will break out within four years. As for the unpredictability of the fifth year, I guess it is not unpredictable. "It is very likely that the ice age will break out in the fifth year.

There are only four years to prepare.

0...... Ask for flowers......

This number is very auspicious, isn't that how the 2012 movie was performed back then.

It takes 4 years to build the ark, and 1 billion tickets.

"Okay, everyone has heard the report just now, let's discuss how to deal with this disaster."

After a while, the Great Elder spoke again.

The people in the venue only reacted at this time, and this time they spoke to discuss how to deal with the crisis next.

But a group of people are very confused, facing such a disaster, it seems useless how to deal with it.

But the people who can sit here are not just for nothing, even Chen Ling, isn't he a jerk.

So, soon everyone expressed their opinions.

Why abandon the coastal cities and move to the inland areas, especially the high-latitude western regions.

What national heating, to withstand the extreme weather of the Ice Age.

This point is true. Although the Ice Age sounds scary, it is actually not very scary.

Why do you say that the Ice Age was scary tens of thousands of years ago, because at that time there were no houses, no heating, and you were outside 24 hours a day, even if there was no cave to live in, it would still kill you.

But for people nowadays, what is more than 30 degrees below zero and more than 40 degrees is nothing, just wear a thicker down jacket.

What a big deal, don’t you think Dongbei people are afraid? Heilongjiang people said that this kind of temperature is just right for skiing.

Chen Ling listened to a group of people discussing, and he was also thinking silently.

He has a system, although it is only a building system, but in this kind of thing, the function of the building system seems to be more useful.

Before, an expert with a big brain hole said that building dams along the coastline to keep the seawater out would not be enough.

Although this was bragging, Chen Ling took it seriously.

Pot racks all over the world concentrate construction power, and it is estimated that there is no way to do such a thing, but for Chen Ling, as long as the money is in place, let alone repairing dams, you can even build a glass landscape partition wall, and put the Daping sheep As a larger aquarium, it is no problem to go to the beach every day to watch the scenery.

Thinking of this, Chen Ling thought of a joke on the Internet.

Learn more about the Daping Sheep Fence Project.

"The end of the world, NO, it's time for me to show my talents."

Chen Ling suddenly felt a little agitated for no reason. .

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