My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 122 Feng Huangchao Architecture

At 10:21 in the morning, strange clouds appeared in the sky over Prayer Kingdom.

Why is it strange, because these clouds are similar to fried dough sticks, one by one, very neat.

It is not surprising that such striped clouds appear in the clouds, but what is strange is that they appear suddenly when there are large areas and no special weather changes.

Such cloud formations are called earthquake clouds in Huaxia Capital and Jingguo.

That is to say, when the clouds in the sky become like this, it means that an earthquake is about to occur.

Of course, things like earthquake clouds have not been scientifically proven, and they are a kind of pseudoscience.

But you have to admit that before every earthquake, most of them will have such an earthquake cloud.

The people of Prayer Kingdom were terrified when they saw the clouds in the sky.

Regarding the experience of the earthquake, the people of China can proudly say that when it comes to the experience of earthquakes in the world, they dare to say that China is second, and no one in the world dares to say that it is the first.

Therefore, after the earthquake cloud 07 appeared, the citizens of Prayer Kingdom took action spontaneously.

Bring a tent, buy drinking water, press cooked food, and come to a wide area such as a park or square, away from high-rise buildings.

However, it is not certain that there will be an earthquake based on the earthquake cloud alone.

But at this time, the animals in the country of prayer also began to warn the people of the country of prayer.

The birds started to fly around, the mice ran around, the cats and dogs were crazy, etc... All the animals seemed to become manic.

Such a harbinger made Jinguodang company pay attention immediately, and the earthquake monitoring department began to work.

Unfortunately, even if you know that an earthquake is going to happen, with the current level of human technology, it is still very difficult to detect an earthquake before it happens.

This is the situation in Prayer Kingdom now. There are changes in the celestial phenomena and animals, and there are signs before the earthquake, but the earthquake department cannot predict where the epicenter of the earthquake is, what the magnitude of the earthquake is, and what area the earthquake is in.

Human beings' current equipment is not useless. The equipment has also discovered abnormal fluctuations in the magnetic field, but the discovery is the discovery, but it cannot predict where the earthquake will occur.

At this time, not only the fiddling earthquake observation department was busy, but also the earthquake observation department of Huaxia Xiadu.

It's a great opportunity to know that an earthquake is about to occur in Prayer Kingdom. Such precious pre-earthquake data cannot be bought.

Experience cannot be summed up with one earthquake, but experience can be summed up if there are too many earthquakes.

Prayer has been busy for several hours, but cannot accurately predict the earthquake.

At this moment, Jinguo's palmistry remembered something.

That is the Great Elder of Huaxia Xiadu. It seems that he said before that he prayed for an earthquake in the National Assembly, which is why Huaxia Xiadu summoned the citizens back to the country.

No one believed this statement at the time, but now, he believed it a little bit.

Thinking of this, Sui Guo palmistry made a phone call to Dachang.

"Great Elder, hello, I would like to ask, you said earlier that there was an earthquake in Prayer, was this event predicted by your Huaxiadu Earthquake Department?" Prayer asked palmistry.

"Yes, do you have any questions, Mr. Palmistry?" the Great Elder replied with a smile.

"Then I would like to ask the Great Elder, where is the source of the earthquake in our prayer country, and what is the magnitude of the earthquake?"

"I don't know about this either. The source of the earthquake must be in your prayer country. The very serious."

"How serious is it?"

"very serious."

Hanging up the phone, the Great Elder sighed, "It's a pity that you will be cold before we can do anything."

Why didn't you tell the specific information about Prayer's palmistry, because even if you did, it would be useless.

At that time, all the high-level executives of Prayer Kingdom will run away and form a real brand of refuge and exile. Wouldn't it become a shit-stirring stick?

For the sake of world peace, it is good to have one less shit stirrer.

On the other hand, after praying for palmistry to hang up the phone, he was in a bad mood.

He didn't get an answer from the Great Elder, which made him very uneasy.

Looking at the sky outside the office, the streaks of earthquake clouds made him even more depressed.

"My lord palmistry, I just received news that abnormal conditions have occurred in hot springs all over the country. Many hot springs are gushing crazily, and many hot springs are drying up immediately. Seismic experts say this is a precursor to a major earthquake." The secretary came in to report.

"Haven't they predicted where the earthquake would be?"

"Experts say that this earthquake is very likely to be the largest earthquake in the country's history, but the source of the earthquake is really impossible to analyze."

"Okay, let the experts continue... Wait, you just said that there are abnormalities in the hot springs across the country?"

"Yes, there are abnormalities in hot springs across the country."

Zong Guo palmistry took a deep breath, he felt that something big happened to him.

"Notify all high-level officials and transfer to Feng Huangchao immediately." Prayer Palmist gave the order.

"Yes, Master Palmistry."

After giving this order, Prayer Palmistry asked the businessman Dacheng who had been in contact with Chen Ling before to make a phone call to Chen Ling.

"Hello Mr. Chen, I'm sorry to bother you. On behalf of Master Palmist, I would like to ask, what is Feng Huangchao's earthquake resistance level?" Gangdi Reiner called and asked Chen Ling.

"As long as the country does not sink, Feng Huangchao will not collapse." Chen Ling said flatly.

He is telling the truth, but the problem is that the prayer country is sinking, and Feng Suichao is useless no matter how strong he is.

"That's good, then call 733 to harass Mr. Chen."

After listening to the answer, Gundelina hung up the phone.

"No, I don't seem to have generated attributes for Feng Huangchao yet."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ling suddenly remembered that he forgot one thing.

The metaphysics building complex of Prayer Kingdom, Phoenix Nirvana Ao Kyushu is a super-large building complex, and the entire project volume is equivalent to a Lishan New District.

Chen Ling didn't want to build the prayer country so quickly, so until now, Chen Ling has only completed the construction of Feng Huangchao on the top of the mountain in the quiet suburb.

This Feng Huangchao is the core of the entire building complex, which is equivalent to the status of Qinglong Building in Lishan New District.

But it is true that the building is finished, but Chen Ling has no production attributes.

Buildings without generating attributes are actually the same as ordinary buildings, even if they are a little stronger, but they are not outrageous.

Thinking of this, Chen Ling immediately generated attributes for Feng Suichao.

First, Chen Ling was afraid of smashing the signboard, so he completely prayed that the country was not completely sunk, and the building he built arrived, so it would not be shameful.

Second, he also wanted to see if Feng Huangchao alone could unlock the metaphysics epic building template.

"System, generate properties."

"The construction of Feng Huangchao of the epic building complex is completed, and the attributes are being generated... After the generation is completed, the attributes of Feng Huangchao are as follows...".

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