My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 128: Is The President There?

After coming to MS company, Chen Ling found that everyone in the company looked like a dead father.

And the whole company doesn't have many people at all, it doesn't look like a powerful entertainment company at all.

"Who are you looking for?"

After seeing Chen Ling and his group, the front desk asked politely.

Chen Ling couldn't understand, but he could guess what it meant, so he stopped the interpreter who wanted to speak.

"Is your president here?" Chen Ling asked directly.

The authentic interpreter hastily repeated Chen Ling's words.

Then the translator took out another certificate, and the girl at the front desk took Chen Ling and the others to the president's office.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, what can you do for me?"

When I came to the president's office, the translator first communicated with the other party, and then the president spoke respectfully.

"Tell him, I want their company, let's make a price." Chen said to the translator.

Then, the two sides chatted again.

"Mr. Chen, MS Company is not a sole proprietorship company, but belongs to the Abex Group, so if you want to acquire MS Company, he cannot make the decision." The translator said to Chen Ling.

"That's it... You asked him to call someone who can make decisions." Chen Ling was speechless, is this kind of thing so troublesome.

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

The translator chatted a lot with the other party.

Chen Ling was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, waiting for someone who could make the decision.

About half an hour later, a group of people rushed here.

"Mr. Chen, this is the CEO of Abex Group, Han Zhongxun. The translator hastened to introduce.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, and ask him how much MS company sells for." Chen Ling said impatiently.

After the translator communicated with the other party, he offered Chen Ling 1.5 soft sister coins.

Chen Ling looked at the other party, and said: "You guys are all like this, the entertainment industry can still make money? You want to cheat me, don't you ask me who I am first? 5 million soft sister coins, just forget it."

It's good that he has money, but he won't come to the South Pound Purple Country to be a fool.

Not to mention anything else, the current situation in Nanpeng Ziguo, the entertainment industry is directly abolished.

No matter how valuable MS company was before and how much money an artist could make every year, it doesn't matter now.

Die-hard fans can't even afford to eat, and still consume, so go ahead and dream.

After the translator repeated Chen Ling's words, Han Zhongxun's face was very ugly, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing this situation, Chen Ling knew that the other party must know his identity.

"Mr. Chen, President Han agreed to your conditions, but President Han wants to exchange 5 million in cash for supplies," said the translator.

"What supplies?" Chen Ling asked curiously.

"Grain, cooking oil and vegetables.

Chen Ling wanted to laugh a little after hearing this, a big conglomerate, now they even have to find a way to buy groceries.

However, this request was nothing to Chen Ling.

Moreover, if it was a material transaction, Chen Ling didn't even need to pay the money, it could be directly included in the rescue supplies on the pot rack.

As for whether they can get these supplies, it has nothing to do with him.

A somewhat playful takeover was done.

Chen Ling did not stay in MS company, but went directly to the next entertainment company.

When he came to GY Company, Chen Ling still followed the same routine.

But this time GY company didn't ask for supplies, but rice gold, they don't want soft sister coins, because they are going to immigrate to Miguo.

And they didn't ask for much money, just 1 million meters of gold.

Chen Ling directly agreed, and the problem that can be solved with money now is not a problem.

After the deal was concluded, Chen Ling rushed to another one.

In just one day, Chen Ling acquired several of the most famous entertainment companies in the South Pound Purple Country.

The next day, Chen Ling was fine, so he came to Qingwatai to see the negotiation situation between Huaxiadu and Nanpang Ziguo.

Originally, Chen Ling thought that the two sides would fight with each other, but the scene turned out to be Hualixia who took the lead, no matter how outrageous the demands were, they just kept talking.

you disagree?

Okay, then do you still want to eat?

Nan Pang Ziguo had no choice, even if the request was outrageous, they could only hold their noses and agree.

Because if they don't agree, they will have nothing to eat.

You ask, why didn't Nanpeng Ziguo look for their secret fruit father? It's not that they didn't look for it, but it was useless to look for it.

The Ice Age is coming soon, and Miguo wishes to save more food. How can he support Nanbang Ziguo at this time.

As for buying with money, there is not a single pot rack selling grain in the whole world.

Therefore, if Nanpang Ziguo does not agree to the conditions of the gorgeous summer capital, it will just wait to starve to death.

After Chen Ling spent a day with the delegation, he never came again.

On the third day, Chen Ling came to MS Company and went to the practice room to watch the performances of several girl groups.

Chen Ling is very satisfied with these girl groups.

As for the men's group, Chen Ling didn't bother to watch it at all, and he didn't have any dissatisfaction, as long as the rich women in China were satisfied.

In the evening, Chen Ling brought a girl group back to the hotel and instructed them to dance.

This evening, Chen Ling had a great time.

Of course, if Chen Ling posted the video of guiding the girl group to dance at night, he would become the public enemy of many male fans.

For the next week, Chen Ling lived like this every day.

Every day, I change the guide of the women's group, guiding them in some difficult movements in simple terms.

Due to the large amount of training and the high difficulty, the walking posture of these girl groups changed after being guided by Chen Ling.

"Liu Yuyang, how do you feel these days?"

Chen Ling looked at Liu Yuyang, who looked similar to the national treasure, and said with a smile.

"Mr. Chen, can't you take a day off? I haven't slept for almost a week at night." Liu Yuyang said with a mournful face.

There is no way, in order to ensure Chen Ling's safety, Liu Yuyang can only live next door to Chen Ling.

But every night, Chen Ling tossed until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Even if he wanted to sleep in the first half of the night, Chen Ling's music was turned up so loud that the girl group danced, so he couldn't fall asleep.

In the second half of the night, when he wanted to sleep, there was a burst of rhythmic crashing and screaming in his ears, which made him sleep.

"Rest today, because I will go home tonight." Chen Ling said with a smile.

"That's great."

Liu Yuyang said excitedly that he was finally going to be free.

In the evening, the first batch of transferees took a cruise ship to Huaxia through Bohai Bay, and then took a train from the cave to Naercai County.

Most of this group of transferees are homeless children, ranging in age from two to three years old to ten or so years old.

In addition to the children, there are also all the staff and their families of the companies that Chen Ling acquired (de) and their families. These people are still very excited about being able to go to the gorgeous summer capital.

There are also people who don't want to come, but even if they don't want to come, they must come, who made them sign the contract.

Under normal circumstances, these contracts are useless.

But now is not a normal situation, Nan Pound's Ziguo official brand does not dare to offend Chen Ling, let alone those in the entertainment industry.

In this way, Chen Ling almost packed the entertainment circle of South Pound Purple Country and brought it back to the gorgeous summer capital.

Well Beggar County, this time has become a brand new county.

There are not so many supporting facilities for residents, basically all of them are residences and schools, and even the only office building is prepared by Chen Ling for the entertainment company.

"System, generate properties right."

"Perfect level social welfare security county and other settings have been completed, and the attributes are being generated..... After the generation is completed, the attributes of the county are as follows: Love China +40, Gratitude +40, Absolute Loyalty +40.

It meets the conditions for the halo attribute to be activated, and the halo attribute is: Land of Foolish Loyalty +80. ".

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