My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 130 A Hundred Steps Through... Yang? Sheep?

Returning to Jinling from Mocheng, Chen Ling felt as if he had passed away.

Really, this is no bragging b.

It was okay at the beginning, Chen Ling was very chic.

But later, when he applauded for love with those girls, those girls looked at him~, just like looking at God.

This made Chen Ling very unbearable, because that kind of feeling was very awkward.

So later, Chen Ling had no interest in those girls at all.

After returning to Jinling, Chen Ling felt that this is a normal city.

Even if someone smokes and throws things around, it looks very human, but there is no human smell at all in Naergai County.

"Leader, the construction of Aoyun Village has been completed. Guojia Aozuwei asked when they can send people to settle in. Now there is only less than a month left before Aoyunhui."

On the third day after returning to Jinling, Song Ling approached Chen Ling and asked about the situation in Aoyun Village.

"Well...tomorrow, just let them send someone over tomorrow." Chen Ling thought for a while and said.

"Okay, leader."

The construction of Aoyun Village has been completed, but Chen Ling has not generated attributes, so it has not been handed over.

Chen Ling originally thought about going there in two days, but now Aozuwei is in a hurry, so let's generate attributes today.

In the afternoon, Chen Ling came to Aoyun Village to generate the attributes of each stadium.

Since it is not an epic building, the attributes are not fixed after it is generated, and it will be changed when Aoyun Ash is held, so Chen Ling didn't take it seriously.

The next day, Aozuwei brought a group of people to Aoyun Village.

There is no way, since Aoyun Ash is about to start, they have to carry out the final work, there is no time to delay.

Chen Ling went to Aoyun Village to watch the rehearsal of the opening ceremony every day. This time the opening ceremony was more technological, because the pot stand actually used the semi-finished virtual projection technology.

This set of virtual projection equipment is definitely not comparable to that of the film and television base produced by the system, but it is not bad.

After watching the rehearsal for the opening ceremony, Chen Ling went to various venues to watch Yundongyuan's training.

The members of the Guojia team now have physical strength beyond the limit of the human body, so everyone is very relaxed during training.

The weaknesses of Huaxia Xiadu in the past are no longer weaknesses, but strengths.

In the past, the Huaxia Xiadu team was not strong enough and had to rely on technology. Now the Hualixia Xiadu team can completely crush them with their physical fitness.

However, some technical projects still rely on technology.

For example, shooting, pinball, rhythmic gymnastics and other sports, these sports are still about skill, although physical fitness is a bonus, but it is not decisive.

On this day, Chen Ling came to the shooting range.

He hadn't even entered the door when he heard noisy voices inside.

As soon as Chen Ling entered, he saw a group of people standing there with sad faces, and some team members were still arguing about something.

"What's the matter, what's the problem?" Chen Ling asked curiously.

After seeing Chen Ling, a group of coaches and members of the shooting team had weird expressions on their faces.

They all knew about Chen Ling's identity, but they didn't know either. They only knew that Chen Ling was awesome, and he could go anywhere he wanted.

The first day Chen Ling came to Aoyun Village, but was stopped.

Chen Ling made a phone call to the Guojia Sports Headquarters, asked for the status of a special consultant for Aozuwei, and then came here every day.

"Mr. Chen, our players may be a little nervous. The results of recent training are not very satisfactory." The coach of the shooting team said.

However, looking at the expressions on the faces of a group of them, Chen Ling seemed to disagree with what the coach said.

"To be honest, what is the problem?" Chen Ling asked curiously.

"That...... No matter how our players shoot, they can't hit the bull's-eye of the tenth ring." The coach said with a face full of pain.


Can't hit the ten rings?

After hearing this, Chen Ling was speechless for a moment. Is this shooting team so weak?

In the next second, Chen Ling turned on the system to check the attributes of this shooting gallery.

"Perfect level shooting gallery: peace of mind +35, no false shots +35, hundred steps through Yang +35."

Rod pole......


After Chen Ling saw the last attribute, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

shoot with great precision?

Chen Ling didn't pay attention at all before, but now that he looks carefully, this attribute has connotations.

"Give me a gun and let me try it."

Chen Ling didn't directly replace this attribute, but was going to try what the attribute was like.

Soon, an air pistol was delivered to Chen Ling.

Chen Ling didn't aim for the bull's-eye, but fired a shot at the ceiling.


After one shot was fired, the plastic bullet hit the ceiling, bounced off, and hit a staff member directly.

0...seeking flowers...


Plastic bullets don't hurt, it's just that something hits the head.

"Is your surname Yang?"

Chen Ling asked someone who was hit.

"My surname is not Yang, but my surname is Li."

The staff said in a daze.

Isn't your surname Yang?

That's not right.

"Put on your hat and try again while I shoot."

After Chen Ling finished speaking, after the other party put on his hat, he fired another shot at the ceiling.


The bullet bounced off the ceiling, hitting a worker again.

You know, Chen Ling didn't aim, and he shot a few shots blindly, and hit the staff member twice, which means there must be a problem.

"Are you sure your surname is not Yang?" Chen Ling asked with a strange expression on his face.

"My surname is not Yang."

"Then your father's surname is Yang?"

"My father's surname is also Li."

Chen Ling frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

"Coach, come and try to shoot."

Chen Ling handed the air pistol to the coach of the shooting team and asked the coach to shoot.

All right. "


After the coach took the gun, he also imitated Chen Ling and fired a shot at the ceiling.


This time, the bullet hit another worker.

"Is your surname Yang?" Chen Ling asked again.

"My surname is Yang." The staff member nodded.

That's right.

Chen Ling nodded, which meant that his guess was correct.

But what happened to the previous one? Since his surname is not Yang, why was he still hit.

"Change someone else and try shooting again." Chen Ling said.

Next, a few more people took turns to open the sores.

No matter which direction the bullet was fired towards the ceiling, it would eventually hit the two workers.

"Are you sure your surname is not Yang?" Chen Ling asked suspiciously.

"Mr. Chen, my surname is not Yang, but I am a sheep." The staff member was about to cry.

"You said you were a sheep." Chen Ling was speechless.

At this time, Chen Ling already understood what kind of attribute this hundred-step piercer is.

Soon, Chen Ling found someone and drew a beam of joy on the target.

"You guys try again."

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