My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 137: Underground Horror City

Dig up an ancient city?

Chen Ling is a little confused, there is an ancient city 500 meters underground?

Possessed on the robot, Chen Ling entered the underground ancient city.

Earth and stone houses that collapsed or half collapsed, fragments of various utensils, not pottery, but stone and iron.

In the city of Zhongyang, there was a half-collapsed palace.

Hmm... Let's just say it's a palace, it's a little bigger than a normal courtyard house, and the house is a little taller, it's not an official palace like an imperial official.

Chen Ling went around inside, only to find that there was nothing except some pieces of utensils.

There is no gold, silver and jewelry, no magical weapons, as if the place has been emptied.

After Chen Ling walked around, he found that there was nothing special here.

"Keep digging."

Chen Ling issued an order, an ancient city without any value is no match for a legendary building.

Therefore, Chen Ling has never considered whether to preserve this ancient city. He is not an archaeologist, and there are no corpses and bones here for those experts.

As for those utensil fragments, they may be of some value, but it is enough to bring some to those archaeological experts for research.

We can't build a protected area 500 meters underground. 07

Therefore, Chen Ling didn't hesitate at all, and directly let the gopher Bizhi dig ahead, and crushed it at the south corner of the ancient city.

But soon, something frightening happened to Chen Chang.

That is when the gophers dug out a lot of bones when they broke through the walls of the caves near the city.

When the gopher retreated, exposing the entire rock wall, Chen Ling's scalp felt a little numb.

Because the inside of the entire wall is inlaid with human bones one after another, as if they were built into the wall.

"What's wrong with this shit, the dead can't dig a grave, what does it mean to build it into the wall." Chen Ling muttered a little speechlessly.

Forget it, continue digging in another direction.

As a result, the interior of the entire rock wall in the south of the city was filled with bones.

This made Chen Ling speechless, as if beeping the dog.

In the end, Chen Ling had no choice but to let the gophers turn around from the previous passage and bypass the area of ​​the ancient city.

It's not that Chen Ling wants to protect the ancient city, but that he doesn't like digging other people's graves.

The gopher continued construction, Chen Ling withdrew from the possession, and let the robot come out with a few bones and some equipment fragments, and brought them to the archaeological experts for them to study.

As for sending those experts down, he didn't have the time.

500 meters underground, there is not enough oxygen at all, and it is hard to say whether there is a virus in it. It is impossible for him to dig straight in from the ground, just to make a way for those experts.

The next day, the robot packed these things and brought them back.

"Song Ling, tell Liu Yuyang to send these photos and the contents of those boxes to the Department of Archeology of Jinling University." Chen Ling said to Song Ling.

"Okay, leader, I'll make arrangements now." Song Ling nodded and replied.

As a result, in the afternoon, the boss of the Archeology Department of Jinling University and several professors wanted to find Chen Ling for information.

But Chen Ling didn't have time to talk to them, so Song Ling sent them away.

It's not bad to be able to bring them something, and it's no need for him to continue to work hard. He doesn't have the time to accompany a group of uncles to go underground for archaeology.

The matter of the underground ancient city passed quickly, and Chen Ling didn't take it seriously, and soon forgot about it.

But half a month later, Feng Chuang led a group of people to find Chen Ling, and reminded Chen Ling of the ancient underground city.

"Brother Chen, let's build an underground playground, it will definitely make money."

Feng Chuang brought a group of second generations to Qinglong Building and began to draw a grand blueprint for Chen Ling.

According to Feng Chuang, when the Ice Age comes, the playgrounds on the surface will definitely be abolished. Except for the ski resort, the outdoor entertainment facilities will definitely not be able to play.

If they make an underground playground, there must be a lot of people playing.

The news that the Ice Age is coming is a top secret for ordinary people.

But to their group of second generations, it is no longer a secret.

In fact, on foreign websites, many students who have learned the atmosphere have already exposed this news, but all of them have been given 404 by various countries.

But there are still a lot of rumors, but these rumors are too watery and have many loopholes, coupled with the guidance of the pot stand, they have no impact.

But as time goes by, the news will definitely not be blocked.

So now the news that the Ice Age is coming is no longer top secret, and the top management of the pot rack and some people related to it have already known the news.

"Go and play by yourself, I have no interest in this."

After listening to Feng Chuang's grand blueprint, Chen Ling shook his head and replied without any energy.

How much money does the amusement park make? He doesn't need that money at all, okay?

"Brother Chen, I know you don't need money, but it's not a matter of money or not. Think about it, other pot racks can only hide in the room during the Ice Age, but the people of our pot rack can Go play in the underground playground.

With such a comparison, our citizens are happier, and spreading it through the Internet will help social stability. "Feng Chuang continued to fool around.

"Don't fool me, your skills are not enough, you pretend I don't know, you are all for performance."

Chen Ling curled his lips and said, how could Chen Ling not guess their small thoughts.

"Brother Chen, we are also doing practical things. By the way, Brother Chen, here are the drawings we designed." Feng Chuang took out a stack of renderings for Chen Ling to see.

Chen Ling rolled his eyes, this is not a drawing, this is a poster at all.

On someone's blueprint, "there are images of demons and ghosts.

"What is this stuff?"

Chen Ling pointed at the ghosts and ghosts and said.

"Brother Chen, this is the underground horror city we designed. Building a playground in the underground 523 is actually not suitable, but the underground horror city is very suitable.

Today's young people are all looking for excitement. If we build a horror city underground, many people will definitely come to play.

These are the horror cities we designed, including Huangquan Road, Naihe Bridge, Ten Halls of Yama and Infernal Hell, in which there are sister ghosts played by our staff.

The most important thing is that our horror city is not only scary, but also can be upgraded by fighting monsters. There are many small plots and tasks in it, and players can participate in it.

In this way, not only the playability is greatly increased, but also players can charge money. "Feng Chuang became more and more excited as he spoke.

As for Chen Ling, after hearing this, he suddenly thought of one thing.

That is the horror epic building in his system, which seems to have not been unlocked yet.

There seems to be something wrong with Feng Chuang's proposal now.

Thinking of this, Chen Ling thought of the ancient underground city. If that ancient underground city is transformed into a horror city, the effect will still be very good.

After all, those bones were not fabricated by flour, but real bones.

Chen Ling still remembers that he watched a ghost movie when he was a child, in which there was a scene where countless skeleton arms stretched out of the wall, trying to catch a person.

And isn't the wall on the south side of the ancient city just a natural bone wall?

I don't know if the effect in the movie can be shown after the habit transformation.

If I could...that would be a big joke. .

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