My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 153: Getting Ready To Move Luthier Huang Lin

After getting the news from Chen Ling, the top executives of the pot rack held a meeting to discuss.

As far as the pot frame is concerned, the collapse of the Tiger Talisman Gold and the Sun Temple, even if it has nothing to do with the pot frame, will still be kept as standing information.

After all, these two incidents were not ordinary murders, but terrorist incidents.

Therefore, the pot rack does not need to spend time to investigate at all, just take out the intelligence information and analyze it.

Maybe after the analysis, the detailed investigation will be carried out again, but for the think tank, this intelligence information is enough.

Based on the analysis of these two matters, the think tank also came to corresponding conclusions.

The thing about Chen Ling is that the pot stand has been confirmed, and these two things are directly related to Chen Ling.

After speculating on the common ground of these two things and the game content of the two underground buildings, it is easy to speculate on the needs of horror buildings.

Things are not difficult to guess, but if you really want to implement it, it is not as simple as you.

Although Chen Ling didn't explain it, but if you want a horror building, and it's in the gorgeous Xiadu system, then the gorgeous Xiadu must pay a price.

And this price, Bi Xia didn't even want to pay.

For the pot rack level, this price can be paid, and it is completely acceptable to sacrifice some people to get a building that can be transferred.

But the problem is that the existence of the pot stand and this sacrifice, in some ways, conflict.

After all, this kind of sacrifice is not fighting. If you go to the battlefield, you can launch a death charge for victory.

But the current situation is not a war, so there are still disagreements on the price.

The entire meeting was held for a day under top-secret conditions. The general framework has been made, but the specific implementation details still need to be communicated with Chen Ling.

Therefore, on the second day after the meeting, Leader Zhou came to the door again.

The people who don't use investigators this time are mainly because they are not professionally qualified.

The functions of the investigators are completely different from those of the emergency response team for special events, so the pot rack did not send a big investigator who is familiar with Chen Ling.

"That is to say, the pot rack will definitely open up a ruin or a royal tomb to build a third building...?" After hearing the intention of Leader Zhou, Chen Ling was not surprised.

"Yes, but the details need to be supplemented by Mr. Chen." Leader Zhou replied.

"In terms of details? No problem, so I don't know which ruin the pot rack is going to open?" Chen Ling asked.

"Which relic do Mr. Chen think is better?" Leader Zhou asked rhetorically.

"It doesn't matter, but there is one thing, that is, the more awesome the ruins, the more awesome the final building will be. You can see this from the gap between the death gold collapse and the Temple of Desire." Chen Ling said faintly Said.

"In that case, does Mr. Chen have any goals?" Leader Zhou nodded and asked.

"Originally, I wanted to go to the piano master Huang Lin, but I was afraid of problems, so I did the experiment with the Tiger Talisman Jinzi collapse and the Temple of the Sun. But now that I want to make a pot stand, it's better to just get a big one, and use the pot stand It doesn't take a lot of strength to settle the problem of the luthier Huang Lin."

Chen Ling still misses the luthier Huang Lin, after all, he is an emperor through the ages.

Especially in the pre-Qin period, it was the most splendid period of the gorgeous Xiadu culture. Once the luthier Huang Lin was transformed into a horror building, it would be so awesome that it would explode.

After listening to Chen Ling's words, Leader Zhou was silent for a while, but finally nodded.

In fact, in the conception of the pot stand, I plan to use a smaller Wangling to do an experiment.

Although the violinist Huang Lin is also among the alternative answers for the pot frame, but the words of the violinist Huang Lin are not too loud. ,

But since Chen Ling has spoken, even if he goes back to a meeting to discuss, the final result will almost follow Chen Ling's idea.

After all, Chen Ling is everything, and his ideas are basically equal to the final result in some respects.

Therefore, there is a matter of taking the royal tomb as an experiment.

"So Mr. Chen, how many people do we need to prepare for the pot rack?" Leader Zhou asked the core question.

"How many people?" Chen Ling froze for a moment, but did not react.

"It's the blood sacrifice." Leader Zhou said with a little heaviness.

After all, blood sacrifice is not a good thing no matter how you look at it.

"Blood sacrifice? Do you have any misunderstandings about this matter?" Chen Ling was a little speechless, the blood sacrifice was done, it was funny.

"Is there no need for blood sacrifice? Didn't the two previous incidents kill people?"

Leader Zhou was also stunned, if there is no need for blood sacrifice [then all the previous plans have been done.

"A dead person is a dead person, and it has something to do with the blood sacrifice. Don't tell me, are you all ready?" Chen Ling was speechless.

"Well, Guojia picked out 100 criminals who committed the most heinous crimes from among the death row inmates." Leader Zhou said indifferently, he didn't think it was too much for this matter.

Because these people really deserve to die, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are beasts.

Among them, the criminals with the lowest crimes are the ones who broke into the houses, took the hostess' turn, and then murdered and mutilated the prisoners.

Criminals like this must be executed by shooting. If the modern society hadn't abolished the ancient capital punishment, it would not be an exaggeration.

`"Oh, that's okay. But the situation is really different from what you think. Since everyone has been found, then let's do it.

Take them to the luthier Huang Lin, let them enter the mausoleum, and set a goal for them, such as finding the elixir of life inside, just make up a goal.

Anyway, if they go in, don't even think about coming out. Musician Huang should be sentenced to death for those who disturb him, so as to save the pot rack from wasting bullets.

But now there is a problem, the luthier Huang Lin is different from the Hu Fu Jinzi collapse and the Temple of the Sun, if soldiers and horses are all alive, is the pot frame ready to deal with it?"

Chen Ling asked, after all, he didn't know what method the pot stand had prepared, and if something went wrong at that time, it wouldn't be fun.

"Mr. Chen, how strong do you predict the strength of the luthier Huang Linnei?" Leader Zhou asked.

"How strong is You (Liao Nuohao)? It's hard to say, what is the bottom line of the pot stand?"

Chen Ling is not sure, after all, he is an emperor through the ages, exactly like the one in the movie, so it would be cheating.

"A small neutron bomb with a yield of 300,000 tons." Leader Zhou directly laid out the bottom line.

And weapons are different from and weapons. Neutron bombs are very light in pollution and can control the people.

But if it is changed to a combined order, it will be different from a hydrogen bomb, so the neutron bomb is the bottom line, and it is impossible for the pot rack to throw a thunderbolt invincible sky cannon at home, which is unacceptable to anyone.

"Ahem...that's enough, but it's not really necessary. It's almost enough to prepare more mischief and cloud bombs, and there is no need for nuclear peace." Chen Ling said a little speechlessly.

"If that's the case, then there's no problem at all." Leader Zhou also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

If Chen Ling said that neutron bombs were not enough, it would be difficult.

The two sides determined the time, and Leader Zhou went back to prepare. .

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