My Building Has Attributes

Chapter 176 Public Welfare Is On The Way

In the morning of the next day, Chen Ling started to prepare for the teacher's work. So I heard Chen Ling's voice: "System, generate it!" After the system heard it, it was generated immediately. The system also waited for a long time. It was originally generated yesterday, but suddenly it told him that it could not be generated. The system is also always ready. Not long after, eight women and two men appeared before Chen Ling's eyes. So Chen Ling asked the system: "Is it all-round, and the identity is clear!" After the system heard it: "Everything is ready, please rest assured." The ten o'clock press conference is almost here. So he took these teachers away.

After a while, I came to Wei'an Company, and I saw Wei'an at this time, the scene was huge, and the media were already in place. As soon as Chen Ling arrived, Wei'an picked up "070" and arranged for others. Before too many meetings, Team Leader Zhou also came. So at ten o'clock, when the press conference started, Li Ran didn't show up. After announcing the content of the press conference, we began to introduce the initiators of this public welfare. After introducing the identities of Chen Ling, team leader Zhou and Chen Xiaoqi, we began to let the supporting teachers make their appearances. In the end, it was announced that public welfare activities have been on the way, and anyone who wants to join is welcome. This press conference, after finishing work perfectly, announced that it will start tomorrow. So the major media began to report on this public welfare activity. With the miraculous construction engineer, as well as the joint support of the country and the entertainment circle, the earth-shaking reports attracted the attention of many people, so many people called Wei'an salary, wanting to donate, and many people, If you want to support education, all in all, you want to join this public welfare activity...

On the second day, the charity team set off. Chen Ling and the others took these teachers and began to go to impoverished areas. They had already chosen the starting point, so they went one by one.

After they came to Hope Primary School, they began to teach these children music and art, and Chen Xiaoqi would lead some dance teachers to teach the children to dance. When the children came into contact with these novel things for the first time, there was a happy expression on everyone's face. They taught the children little by little in this way, leaving a good memory for the children.

While Chen Xiaoqi was teaching the children to dance, he suddenly heard a voice...

"Mr. Chen, you dance so beautifully." At this time, a child Qian Yao who was learning dance from Chen Xiaoqi said. "You are beautiful too." Chen Xiaoqi looked at the child in front of him, his eyes suddenly sore. How eager these children are to learn, but God is not so fair.

After Chen Xiaoqi taught dance, she went to find Chen Ling. "Brother, just now a girl watched me dance and told me that I am so beautiful." Chen Xiaoqi walked to Chen Ling's side, sat down, and said slowly. "Silly girl, you are already beautiful." After Chen Ling heard this sentence, he didn't feel that there was any other problem, but just told the truth. At this time, Chen Xiaoqi's eyes began to turn red. After Chen Ling saw it, he became a little anxious, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, what happened?" Chen Xiaoqi took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and started again. Said: "No, just looking at the child's eyes, I feel very uncomfortable and sad." After hearing what his sister said, Chen Ling patted her on the shoulder, and then fell silent. At this time, I, Chen Ling, don't know how to comfort Chen Xiaoqi, because he also feels that fate is unfair, he is the same as his sister

He also felt sorry for these children, so he decided to do charity work.

Children are exposed to music, dance, and art. After these art courses, a new door is opened for the children. In these days, they have also discovered that there are indeed many children who are talented in these. Seeing that the children are now beginning to get in touch with these, they are all satisfied.

Maybe doing charity is a distant thing for many people. I don’t have enough money to spend? How can I do charity? I don’t know anything? How can I do charity? Chen Ling thought the same way before, but But it’s not the case now. He just thinks that God has allowed him to own the system. This powerful operation has actually arranged all of this a long time ago. Fortunately, Wei’an company has found them this time. Otherwise, he still doesn’t know about public welfare. When will he To get in touch......

Chen Ling is thinking now, and hopes that in the future, more people will be like them now, with this awareness and willingness to contribute to public welfare.

Each of them did their best to teach, and looking at the children in front of them, they just felt how lucky they were, not having experienced so much suffering, but also having a warm and comfortable living environment.

Along the way, they added a lot of new teachers, and every place they visited later, there were these teachers who were willing to stay and teach.

These teachers themselves are caring people. After getting along with the children day and night, they are naturally willing to stay here to teach. Besides, the conditions are difficult, but the treatment is still good. In this way, it took a month, and after they ran to ten impoverished areas in Yunnan, they ended up perfectly.

During the period, Weibo has also been reporting earth-shakingly. After a month of hot searches, this public welfare is considered to be over. Chen Ling looked at the trending searches on Weibo, clicked in, saw the comments below, and finally talked about the topic of public welfare. In this way, Chen Ling is relieved. It finally achieved the result Chen Ling wanted at first. Public welfare undertakings have attracted more people's attention.

Then, many people launched the fundraising campaign 2.0, which mainly donated food, cotton clothes and other daily necessities to children in mountainous areas. No matter how many things there are, these cannot be measured by value. Chen Ling is thinking now, and hopes that in the future, more people will be like them now, with this awareness and willingness to contribute to public welfare.

All of this also achieved the effect Chen Ling originally wanted. So after their return trip, each of them gained a lot. Along the way, they were all talking about what happened during this month, and everyone was chattering happily. Chen Ling looked at them and smiled in relief. At the beginning of human beings, nature is good. Looking at their appearance, "I feel happy.

Proud of their current team. So Chen Ling and the others looked forward to what they would look like when they went back. .

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